
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Version 2.3.0 is now available on Food4Rhino


  • Various minor bug fixes
  • Anchor component now has separate inputs for initial and target locations. This simplifies the setup when you want to have an anchor which moves parametrically during simulation, avoiding the need to always move it back to its initial location on resetting.
  • Goal tab grouping - with the ever growing number of goal components, I felt they needed a bit more organisation. Hopefully the categories make things easier to find.
  • Wind goal component. Apply a wind vector to a mesh.
  • Assembly mate components: Concentric and AlignFaces. These both operate on the rigid bodies that were introduced in the previous release. For those with experience in other mechanical software these should be familiar. AlignFaces is like what SolidWorks calls a 'coincident' constraint, but I felt this name helps distinguish it from the coincident points goal.
  • Bomb goal. For when you are feeling destructive! Note that since this goal has a state which changes with the number of iterations of the solver, it also has a reset input, where you should connect the same button you reset the solver with.

More example files to follow. Any questions or bugs please let me know below. 

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Hi Daniel, lets say we have two non coplanar rectangles during a simulation, not fixed in space, no steady anchor points and we want them to match otientation according to those planes, we often use magnetic forces but we need 3 x y z points on every plane to match... there is an easy way probably, sorry for such a dumb question!

You could use a CoPlanar constraint like in the attached example


Thank you, but not exactly: I want them to get oriented to the reference planes...Not only coplanar but oriented

You could also include a 0 angle goal between one edge on each rectangle to make them parallel


adjustment of the "squiggler" definition by replacing the sherecollide comp with the collider comp and adding a sine function to the radii. great daniel!  





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