
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Im new on grasshopper and i would like to know how to do a facade like pictures attached. It needed to be irregular, managed by attractors to have different reliefs.

I would like to design the structure on the edges too. Do u know wich tool i need?

Help please.


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Hi Peter,

In fact, i tried lot of things last two weeks, but i can't find an issue for what i want...

I did an Ecotect analysis on my facade with my buildings in 3D (including impacted shadows etc..), and i would like to import it in grasshopper. But i don't know how to do it. This analysis should influenced my double skin (the triangulated one on which u worked before) to be with larger triangles and less relief where the sun impact is weak (blue, purple parts..).

Could you help me please? Because my timing is short now and i don't have alternatives..

Thanks a lot



... the bad news are that for real-life projects I work with the Bentley Systems suite of products (and an internal thermal efficiency custom app in C# that talks to Generative Components) and thus I have no idea what Ecotect is (not to mention how to import similar data to GH).

But since I assume that you are a student what other colleagues of yours do for that matter?

Sorry, I've not been available for the past few week whilst trying to sort out personal matters.

Again, Peter's right with the balancing act and sadly the LCA and LCC of many projects are poorly considered in practice. In Britain a good example is CO2 being the main focus without appreciating that the insulants that are available have some pretty nasty consequences for other impact areas. The UK government recognises the need to reduce carbon emissions in legislation bbut not much else (other than the things that the EU took care of within the air quality and construction product regulations and CE marking). My worry is that the UK government will water down our already inadequate effort to assess Impacts even more once we've left the EU.

You can't actually balance or equate these issues without some sort of importance being associated with each impact indicator which is more subjective and needs to be done ideally on a project by project basis, by an architect, with a full LCA and WLC analysis. The design process should also engage with the end-users more which is another problem particularly in the housing markets where the client pays as little as possible, not interested in commissioning the work and effort required, and sells on the long term consequences to the future homeowner who wouldn't have necessarily been happy with some of the choices made at design stage.


As for your issue... I don't know how far you've got with Ecotect modelling, but if you're only using it for the weather data files and psychometric charts and basic orientation optimisation, then surely you can use Ladybug to get the data to generate the parameters you're after as the data will be natively read and organised within grasshopper.

So the two options as it stands seems to be something like Geco if you want to use Ecotect


Ladybug suite of tools which is open source

Shouldn't your tutors and peers be advising you on this?

Its of course for you to decide which approach is best from what you have already. The weather data files are the same source for both programs from what it seems (energyplus). However I don't have access to ecotect and have never used Geco to be able to comment or assist any further.

I suggest you watch the following if you do wish to pursue Ladybug

Chris Mackey has produced this series of videos to help get people started.

First of all, thanks a lot for your answer guys!

As you advice me, i tried to do something with ladybug instead. But I ve got a red component which means "not working"..  I also think that this is not the same analysis as Ecotect one. I guess the good one is the sunlight hours analysis but I have no result anyway..

Ps : My teachers are like ghosts here... : /

Are you able to find an issue with ladybug?



Omg, there it is I suppose!

Now I ve got this, could you help me with my first purpose according to this analysis?



well done....

there are a number of ways to approach this nowFirstly you should start off by internalising the bits you need so that ladybug doesn't kill your computer (you don't need ladybug anymore so maybe just save it for reference but clean down the new file (internalise your source geometry too - atleast for sharing on the forum so that we don't need the 3dm file (nor ladybug) and others may also then be able to assist)

The way I would maybe approach it is by generating a point cloud based on the values. i.e more density where you want smaller triangle and less density where you want bigger.

Then next you can move these points by the façade normal , move them more where you want more angular volatility and less where you don't.

Then just go about creating the Delaunay mesh as you had done in your other exercises.

Hi Julian!

I tried to internalize everything as u advised me, but i don't know what value to put in boolean or number components for example..


here's an example

what example?

I finally found by myself how to internalise data.. (very simple) :)

I just don't know which components could help me to move points into normal vector, according to sunlight values. I tried some ways to do it but it still doesn't work.


Same to modify triangles size.

I see it should be the sunlight hours value, but where am i supposed to take them. In ladybug component i guess but it doesnt work..

Sorry for my low level : /






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