
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



Hello grasshopper user,


I know there are existing some discussions about that topic but they aren`t precise...


I need a solution for simulating a minimal path structure for a road layout in an urban project like the experiments from Frei Otto [wooly paths experiments]


I know that it is possible with kangaroo...



Perhaps somebody already post a definition and i ignore it ;-) I upload a picture with a direct path to get an optimized path system?



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Replies to This Discussion

Hi T,


if you are looking for a "shortest walk" algorithm among existing curves, this additional Grasshopper assembly should help you. shortestwalk gh
I've also published the sourcecode, in case you feel like having a look.

On the other hand, if you want to modify the layout iteratively, probably the best place to ask is the Kangaroo group here.


I hope it helps,


- Giulio


Hi Giulio,


Thank you for your help but it isn`t quiet that what i`m searching for. The shortestwalk plugin is an interesting tool but you need a grid of lines from which the plugin calculates the shortest path. I`m searching for something like that:


but perhaps you are right and I will ask in the kangaroo group...


- T

Yes, Daniel Piker (the author of the linked video) wrote Kangaroo.


- Giulio


Thank you so much for posting this marvelous component.  We have been struggling with shortest path definitions for the last six months and have yet to succeed.  Already I have been able to plot out pedestrian paths and paths of water on complex terrain and with a bit of tweaking things are starting to work.  I do wonder if there is any way to have a bit more control over how things work? Our solutions have been to build the terrain such that distances are exaggerated in the z direction so that the various lines that result more closely reflect the topographical changes.  At any rate this is an elegant and most welcome component.  Thanks


Hi Robin,


thank you.

I've added a link to the source code of the second release of the component.

The built gha is again on Food4Rhino (with the Rhino command, too) and the source of both is on GitHub. You are welcome to look at it and commit any modifications or additions, if you like.

The "extra cost" for vertical movement makes sense, and I thought about the possibility of adding it in a next release. If you look at the sourcecode of PathMethods, on line 21, you can see that it accepts an array of distances. Any correctly-sized array of doubles is fine, as long as the distances are larger than the physical distance of the line between start and end of curves.

This is a requirement of the A* search heuristic (see for example the wikipedia article. "The h(x) part of the f(x) function must be an admissible heuristic; that is, it must not overestimate the distance to the goal").

However, I believe more work will probably be necessary for correctly handling water, as it needs an oriented graph where water does not go uphill unless if fills a depression.

Please let me know if you have more questions or ideas. I would really appreciate to be able to see the example with pedestrians.


- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

Hi T,


I need to create something like the video you linked but I was wondering if you achieved it, if so, can you suggest a link for me to learn how to develop the wooly paths?}


I would really appreciate your help..


Hi Luis,


That demo is one of the files included with the Kangaroo download

which you can get here:

Hi Daniel,


Thanks a lot for the link, I was wondering, when I click the link that sent me, the file downloads automatically? and if so, where can I se the demo, I got the draft manual and the link to the kangaroo group and I already joined. Im sure its a dumb question but Im in a little trouble.



Hi Luis,


The download is a zip file ( Right click it and choose "Save link as". Put the file somewhere on your hard disk, then go to it and unzip it. Then follow the instructions on the first page of the manual to install it.



thanks a lot!



I am trying to recreate Otto's experiment minimal paths (wooly paths)..i have been trying to make it work following some of the posts, but so far i haven't been lucky..

any tips would be great



I'm trying to create attractions between paths, I think it is because Im a beginner in kangaroo/grasshopper, but Im getting an error in a component. The logic in my definition is that the paths appear as the height changes, and then duplicate. after that my intention is that the paths attraction take this behaviour


Im attaching my definition so you can take a look


If you could help me it would be perfect.. Im a little stuck








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