
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

could someone please help me to make my attached 2d voronoi grid within its boundary shape, into a 3d voronoi form? on the next level I would like the points to stay aligned so that I have a straight slab in between..

Please let me know, and kindly find the attached rhino file for your reference!

Kind regards.

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Something like this?  The Voronoi³ component generates this error: "Two coincident points were ignored"

Your perimeter curve has been extruded and capped - required by 'ShapeIn (Shape In Brep)' - and then moved slightly downward ("-x" Expression on 'Move T' input) to fully enclose the Voronoi cells.


A playful addition to the earlier model - white and blue cells can be baked separately:

Dear Joseph,

Thank you for this. It is a step. However I was hoping not for a direct extrusion but perhaps for the voronoi logic to be transferred into 3D form as well :) so slntaed/curved walls etc.. soft edges as would be achieved throug the weaver bird mesh... fully enclosed is good!

The voronoi cells appear to be extruded in this case only because your original points are 2D and were copied by moving them vertically.  If you use 'Pop3D' to get your points, and trim off the top and bottom cells as well as those outside the extruded perimeter curve, the result is very different:

This is pretty basic stuff so far.  Only the beginning toward "curved walls and soft edges", but you'll never get there if you don't get this.

Search this forum, or Google Images for "voronoi grasshopper", find images you like and pursue the lessons.  Took me seconds to find this video, for example:

I have no idea if it's useful.  Absorb all the appropriate code you can find.

Ah yes I have the voronoi structure 2, thank you, but unfortunately that definition only creates a mesh with soft edges for the outer skeleton which is not continued in the same way inside (or the internal structure lacks the same quality as the external shell!)

But thank you, perhaps I will then do some more experimenting with Pop 3D and where the points are etc. Only places them vertically above/mirrored, as my tutor suggested it would be a way to achieve some straight slabs in the middle :) thanks for your efforts and time Joseph!
Also the colour play is interesting thanks






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