
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to align shapes (arcs here) to lines (in green).

The first points of arcs need to snap to lines start points.

Seems to be random. But i can't understand what i missed.

Someone could help me? 

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I've found this great post of 'Generative Landscapes':

But it's base on curve tangents, no a set of lines. Maybe i close to it, but i'm just starting learning... Help! =)

You're want to get the mid point of the green lines, and then relocate the origin of the plane you create to that point.
(I.e don't use point A, use the mid point before plugging into O) but if you want to move this up or down first use a transform>move on the mid point you create using a z vector. (You might not need this vertical adjustment, but if you build it in anyway, you can set the z vector to 0 with a slider.
The reason why its the midpoint is because of the way arcs are drawn.
By default they are drawn on xy plane from +x to -x for 180 degrees anticlockwise at a radius of 1 which means their start point isn't actually touching the line

You could try a better method of constructing the planes you orient to. Use the perp frames along curve on the green lines (set to 2 divisions) then rotate these planes 0.5 radians about its y axis.

Thank you Julian for these tips, i will try that for arc right now =)

With a simple 5 points shape profile i could use 'A points' rather than middles? I test!

Whaoooo i did it! Thanks for helping me =) You save my day!

Take a look to the result:

congrats, Looks likes you're getting the hang of it. Orient Planes is one of the best ways to keep clean dataflows and using a single definition to then be replicated multiple times at any direction you like. (of course you then just hide the source definition.)






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