
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

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Hello everyone,

Is there a way to have dynamic input into slider lower and upper limit? e.g. control with a slider the lower limit of another slider?



use a slider from 0 to 1 and then use the remap numerical domain function and generate the target domain dynamically (alway set the source domain to the domain you choose for your slider).
Thanks! It works with remap (see image if that's what u mean).
I think this has been asked for before, but it's apparently not so easy to do. Try searching the forum.

Talking about sliders.

I think that a 'step' option instead of the Slider accuracy -> Digits value would be handy.

I would not take away the Digits slider ( at times _that_ is very handy ), just add

a little box showing the current step, but that we could also edit typing in a custom step value.




So a slider going from 5.0 to 25.0 with a step value of 3, should only stop at 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23?


If I were to draw the result of the expression instead of the input on the slider UI, you could accomplish this by adding something like '5.0 + Slider * 3.0' into the expression field... (and having an integer slider with domain 0 to 6).



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


Would it be possible to add buttons to each side of the value on the slider to increase/decrease accordingly?


Sometimes I found that when having sliders with a big range is difficult to set particular values moving the slider, I know, lazy me that doesn't want to edit the value entering the numbers.







The next release has a text-box input. If you double click the slider track bar you can enter a numeric value. I've also added a digit scroller control that make more sense for certain cases. Works like this:



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

This looks really good,

Thanks a lot!


Yes, that would be cool !

Being able to write an expression and to see the resulting number shown would solve the problem. Much better than simply using a step value ...

Good idea, David !

Gets my vote.







David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Glad to know ... and waiting for GH 8/05  :)

Thank you !








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