
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm glad to share some useful tools with those people who use ENVI-Met v.4.0 for their researches. (a software that is very slow but accurate enough, XD).
I have written two LB components which let you visualize and manipulate data that come from ENVI-Met simulations. These component are based on a research with ENVI-Met v.3.0 and Ladybug that I did in 2015:

It is possible to combine LB_ENVI-Met Grid with other LB component, such as: Ladybug_Mesh Threshold Selector, Ladybug_Countour Mesh, Ladybug_Recolor Mesh, Ladybug_Outdoor Comfort Calculator, Ladybug_Thermal Comfort Indices.

- Antonello

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It works with Thermal Comfort Indices component too:

Thank you Antonello for providing the example file, simulation files and guidance!!

ENVI-met simulation files need to be extracted to "c:" partition in order for the .gh file to work.


This is nice Djordje.

Just in case Antonello has the chance to include the Biomet comfort results i include here an example of this (since Biomet is commercial).

The directory structure is a bit different than the standard results.



Thank you for the Biomet example file Abraham!

Hi Abraham,

Thanks for your sharing, this can help me complete the component.

- Antonello

Hi Djordje,

Thank you for posting the example file. I think Envimet users will be happy to compare all thermal indices!

Just a small notice: new "Thermal Comfort Indices" component (VER 0.0.64  FEB_27_2017) collaborates with Ladybug ENVI-met components much quicker now.
What took tens of minutes to calculate, now calculates in a minute or less.
The same previous canopy example has been used to analyse PET index:

As with the previous example, ENVI-met simulation files need to be extracted to "c:" partition in order for the .gh file to work.

Thank you once again Antonello!!


Hi Djordje,

Just to compare, see image of PET results from ENVImet. Good agreement:-)


Very nice Abraham!
Thank you for posting the comparison!!
Do you own the Science version of ENVI-met?

Hi Djordje,

Unfortunately no. Don't use it so often to pay the annual fee (I'm torned about this, though). But i've purchased Biomet.

I compared a different case and there is also good agreement. I'll check something a bit more "complicated" and will report how it goes.


Hi again.

This is the second example comparing LB_Pet and EM_Pet. As you can see they are practically the same (which is good). Now with the same palette of colors.

What i WISH now in the LB_ENVImet is importing also the vegetation from EM.

For the case in the image there are a "lot" of trees affecting the PET which are not in the imported model. Without them is sometimes difficult to explain the results.


Thank you for the testing Abraham! These comparisons are really useful!!

I've never used BioMet, but by looking at their webpage, there seem to be some default parameters: like clothes thermal insulation of 0.9 clo and maybe metabolic rate of: 164.49 W/m2.
If this is the case, then Ladybug "Body characteristics" inputs: clothingInsulation_ and metabolicRate_ need to be set to these values as well: 0.9 and 2.826 mets (=164.49 W/m2):

What i WISH now in the LB_ENVImet is importing also the vegetation from EM. For the case in the image there are a "lot" of trees affecting the PET which are not in the imported model. Without them is sometimes difficult to explain the results.

I will check Antonello's reply on this.

But I wonder why these vegetation models are not even present in the BioMet example?


Just FYI, you can set those values also in Biomet (see image).







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