
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,


short story:

as the title says i'm looking for a way to select a mesh which was baked to rhino from within a c++ component. 


longer story:

i m baking some points to rhino and using the meshfrompoints command (within the c++ script) to create the mesh, then i want to be able to have it as an output of the script...

so that you can animate/wb it or whatever else.


unfortunately didn t find a way to do that.


Any help/suggestions appreciated.

Thank you in advance


You can have a look in the attached file

Views: 1473


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Added the file, any suggestions?
trying it right now

Hi Tudor,

Grasshopper is an interface to the Rhino SDK. In this case, the SDK does not expose a method to do this operation, so it's painful to do this and very difficult to do it properly in any language (in this case, the language is C# -- read c sharp).

Anyways, to make the code work, what you still need is a way to select the objects from the document. The following code might be a beginning for this last operation:



RMA.Rhino.MRhinoObjectIterator iterator =
      new RMA.Rhino.MRhinoObjectIterator(IRhinoObjectIterator.object_state.normal_objects,

    List<IOnMesh> meshes = new List<IOnMesh>();
    RMA.Rhino.MRhinoObject current;
    while((current = iterator.Next()) != null)
      IOnGeometry g = current.Geometry();
      if(g != null && g.ObjectType() == IOn.object_type.mesh_object)

        IOnMesh tmp = OnMesh.ConstCast(g);

        if(tmp != null)

    A = meshes;




- Giulio

McNeel Europe, Barcelona


!!!!!!! Thank you Giulio !!!!!!!


That piece of code does more then i was expecting to get !!! thank you for your time, code and explanation!


All the best,


This is way too difficult in RhinoCommon. I just added a bunch of functions that should make it easier. Starting from the next release, you should be able to write the following in the new C# component:


private void RunScript(List<Point3d> pts, bool run, ref object A)  


  if (!run) { return; }    

  if (pts == null) { return; }    

  if (pts.Count < 3) { return; }

  //Unselect all objects    


  //Then, bake the objects and remember all the IDs so we can delete them properly    

  List<Guid> pointIDs = new List<Guid>(pts.Count);    

  for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count; i++)    


    if (pts[i].IsValid) { pointIDs.Add(doc.Objects.AddPoint(pts[i])); }


  if (pointIDs.Count < 3)    


    Print("Insufficient valid points for a Mesh");      

    doc.Objects.Delete(pointIDs, true);      




  //Now run the MeshFromPoints command    


  if (RhinoApp.RunScript("-_MeshfromPoints _Enter", false))    


    //If the script was successfully run, search for the most recently added object

    Rhino.DocObjects.RhinoObject obj = doc.Objects.MostRecentObject();

    A = obj.Geometry.Duplicate();
    doc.Objects.Delete(obj, true);



  //Now delete the points

  doc.Objects.Delete(pointIDs, true);  




David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you David!

will give it a try as soon as the new release is out. Any hints on when the new release will come out? :P


The code i stitched together is, for now, doing what i was hoping for, but can't wait to see the one above doing its magic. 




I'm hoping to upload a beta release to the VB/C# forum today or maybe tomorrow. There have been a number of SDK breaks and I want to give GHA developers the opportunity to have a look at potential problems before I release publicly. 



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

That s great news! :)


Waiting for the beta then!



hello david,


thought to get back with some "news". tried your code, it's working, but seems to take a lot longer/ sometimes crashing gh. 


For example your code on the same set of points takes (according to the profiler) :

28002 ms to compute while the other one takes 1810 ms. 


here s a snapshot

This is a debug build of Grasshopper, you cannot compare it with a Release build. Let's wait until the proper version is released and then we can start optimizing :)



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

cool! sounds like a plan :P


anyway, thank you as always, the new build looks very promising (especially the long list of changes)!!






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