
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Djordie,

Thanks for this new contribution. Looks very nice.

I'm getting the following severe errors in all components:

1. Solution exception:time data does not match format
data=JAN/30/2017, fmt=%m/%d/%Y, to: M'/'d'/'yyyy

For instance in the OSMshapes component the test says:

Runtime error (ValueErrorException): time data does not match format
data=JAN/30/2017, fmt=%m/%d/%Y, to: M'/'d'/'yyyy
  line 70, in deconstructComponents_versionDate, "<string>"
  line 90, in versionDate, "<string>"
  line 1075, in script

Any ideas?

Thanks and keep the good work you are doing.


Views: 780

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Abraham,

Thank you for reporting this!
Judging by the text you posted the "versionDate" method seems to be getting the correct date format, but your ironpython's strptime function is failing to work for some reason.

I wonder if this has to do with you having some other ironpython version installed on your PC.
Do you by chance have Dynamo installed as well?

Can you please try running the same .gh file on some other PC (without Dynamo installed there)?

Also, can I ask you to open the attached file below and let me know which error does it return?

Thank you once again.


Hi Djordje,

I do have Dynamo installed on my laptop. I tried in another plugin and it runs ok.

I opened the version_test file and both components gave errors:

The top one:

version:  2.7.5 (IronPython 2.7.5 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.42000 (64-bit))version info:  sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=5, releaselevel='final', serial=0)Runtime error (ValueErrorException): time data does not match formatdata=JAN/30/2017, fmt=%m/%d/%Y, to: M'/'d'/'yyyyTraceback:  line 8, in scriptds

The bottom one:

Runtime error (ValueErrorException): time data does not match format
data=JAN/30/2017, fmt=%m/%d/%Y, to: M'/'d'/'yyyy
  line 4, in script



Thank you for running the test Abraham!

What do you mean you by: you tried it in another plugin and it runs ok?
You tried it on another PC?

What is the version of Rhino 5 which raises the upper message, and what is the version
of Rhino 5 where the component runs ok?

My mistake. I meant that I tried in another computer and it runs ok.

My Rhino version is 5 SR12 64b. I'm not besides the other computer but it is about the same.



Thank you once again for the reply Abraham!

Rhino 5 comes with IronPython verion 2.7.0. Your previous screenshots and replies show IronPython 2.7.5 which means that you either have Rhino WIP installed on that same PC or maybe even Dynamo. Or manual installation of 2.7.5 version. Once you installed either of these they somehow "interfered" with IronPython 2.7.0.

For some reason the strptime function you posted in your first post fails to work on IronPython 2.7.5. I do not know why is that so, I need to ask IronPython support.

Still in case I get the answer: Gismo is at the moment targeted towards Rhino 5, and I won't be making it work on Rhino WIP until Rhino 6 is released. So it may be that I can not solve your issue, unless you either use a different PC, or uninstall Rhino WIP and Dynamo (I understand that this is highly unlikely).

I deeply apologize for this kind of inconvenience.

Hi Djordje,

Thanks for your reply. As a result of it i tried the following:

Uninstall Dynamo: No help. Still the same error.

Uninstall Python 2.75: Now it works!!

No need to uninstall Rhino 6 WIP.

I'll check installing back dynamo and see what happens. In case it spoils again i'll report.

Though it is weird that from IP2.70 to 2.75 will bring things to fail.

Attached the image of the version_test file. The top one is fine now, the bottom one fails differently from the previous test results.

Thanks again,


Hi Abraham,
The upper ghpython component is what "OSM Shapes" and other Gismo components currently use.
The bottom one can fail, it's not currently important.
Thank you again for the testing!

Hi Djordje,

Another update FYI:

In my desktop computer i have Rhino5 SR12, Dynamo installed and updated for today, Python 2.7 and it works.

Tempted to update Python to something else just to check, but maybe not now ... :-) There is an official 2.7.13 version, and can't find 2.7.0, so for now i'll stay safe in base.


EDIT: Something is definitely wrong with Ning forum this days.
Sorry for having to add another reply.

No problem! If it works, then leave it that way.
I think it is safe to conclude that IronPython 2.7.5 was the causing the issue. I will if I can get an answer on why is this so.





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