
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello there, 

I am trying to figure out a way that I can discover the number of total minutes that a test surface receives at least 50% (at any given moment) of direct sunlight exposure between 9am-3pm.

Is there an easy way to do this in ladybug? Please see my grasshopper script and .3dm file below.

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I did the same in your file. Please find revised file attached.



I ran a quick study on your model. I was looking into the number of hours everyday between 9am to 3pm every month when at least 50% of test geometry would receive sunlight. Following are results.


Hi Devang - thank you so so much for you help! it works like a charm! perfect! 


Sure. I enjoyed doing this. I liked this line of inquiry. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Hi Devang, 

I was wondering if you may be able to help me find a solution for another extension I have made to this script? I am trying to use galapogas to solve the best solution for maximum floor area whilst remaining above the 180mins sunlight coverage at 50%. I have it currently solving for the greatest floor area but i am not sure how to add the other criteria of only finding solutions that are above the required sunlight hours (180mins) - do you have any ideas/ tips??

Please see my attached files to get a better idea of what I mean :) 



Galapagos allow you ONLY one fitness function. In your case either the time or the coverage. If you want to combine them you need to create your own function that gives you one value that you can connect to galapagos.

The other option is using Octopus instead Galapagos, that will receive multiple functions.


Hi Claudia,

As Abraham pointed out, Octopus will be a better match for a multi objective optimization. However, the current Octopus version does not work with Gh 9.0076 (Crashes Rhino) so I am not able to provide a workflow for Octopus.

I have set up something using Galapagos that meets your criteria.

Please find the file attached.

Hope this helps.



Gotcha! Thanks Devang and Abraham! 

Hi Claudia,

I found a better way to express our objective for optimization. Please find the revised file.


Hi Devang,

Your solution is really neat! Thanks for that - it is a very cool wee script now :)






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