Hi there guys. I am pretty new to grasshopper. recently i tried to digitally reproduce a study model consisting of simple folds and cuts. But it seems that it does not relate to the material world. Are there any good tutorials for origami with grasshopper plugin.
I did have a look at spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com before. The Site illustrates origami using rigid origami simulator. Was wondering if this can be done on a grasshopper platform.
the issue is that i dont have symmetrical movement. Each fold does not rotate on a specific angle. would like every vertex to be controllable. let me post some pics.
can you forward me the definition and the rhino file of the models that you worked on
Rigid origami simulator cannot be imported to grasshopper because it needs iterative calculation.
I will think about it when grasshopper supports feedback loop.
You can overcome the iteration difficulty by shutting down some of the origami pattern degrees of liberty. Defining symmetries like Daniel Piker says would be one way.
i did a fairly rough example by using circles and spheres to constrain the movement of the triangles.