
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I want to use kangaroo to achieve a minimal surface ( close to the one in the attached picture) where the open edges are made from 2 catenary Curves. How can I keep the two catenary curves in their place ( perpendicular to the XY plane)...


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Here is one way to set this up.

Turning the surface into a mesh, fixing the corners and letting the boundary vertices slide along the outer edge.

Note that this is a tensile surface, but not actually a true minimal one - that is a bit more work to set up using the soap film element.


Thank you a lot for your explanation, I will work on the adding soap film element..

I am not that expert in this topic but what I know is that you can achieve a minimal surface as a version of an existing one you already created, even if the surface is not flat the mean curvature can still be zero, here is an explanation:

"Minimal surface curvature planes. On a minimal surface the curvature along the principal curvature planes are equal and opposite at every point. This makes the mean curvature zero" 


Thank you so much I will try them 






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