
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi dear Mostapha, Chris and all,

I am studying for analysis the textile and fabric (like cotton and etc.) construction for creating thermal zones.

To evaluate the: 1: Inside Surface temperature 2: Zones Indoor Air temperature.

  • Windows in the thermal zones are Always open.

Is it possible for that in Honeybee and energy plus for creating constructions and set the ventilation schedules (For open windows)? How

How can I Set these properties In Honeybee?

I would greatly appreciate your Help.

King ragards,


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Hi Mohammad,

There is a component called Set_EP_Airflow that allows you to specify natural ventilation. There are several options available depending on what you want.

Some details there :

Best regards,


Hi Aurelien,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure how can I solve my bigger problem for creating textile and fabric (like cotton and etc.) construction for creating thermal zones.

I'd created that with HB_ EPOpaqueMat for layer

Can anyone help me to understand the correct way?

Many Thanks.


You would have to do exactly what you have in your screenshot and then add to energy plus library.

You will have to input all the data of the material. I guess your best chance is looking in the web pages of companies that create recycled or sustainable insulations, as there are some done out of cotton, wool or other fabrics.







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