
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a profile curve that i want to sweep across a series of curves.  I can't get anything to sweep unless the profile curve is oriented on the rail curve (making it impossible to sweep many curves at once).  I am sure I was able to achieve this in the past.  Could it be that the newer versions of Grasshopper have eliminated this?

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Seems to work here with 0.8.0004

It's hard to see what exactly is happening there...  it appears that the surfaces all originate from the profile curve, following the shape of adjacent rails but not on the rails themselves.


I extracted a wireframe from a model i made in maya.  It has many edge curves and i want each edge curve to be given an I beam profile... I thought I could choose a profile curve and use grasshopper to apply it to many edge curves.


If this is not possible, is there any alternate methods to give a wire-frame model some depth?  Makes me wonder how any 3d voronoi is rendered.


I've been developing Grasshopper components to automate and ease the task you're talking about, you're more than welcome to try them.  I've just enabled in today's build standard profile indentification as shown in the attached file on this post.



Installation instructions are here


I'm happy to advise further as needed.






Along the lines of Dedackelzucht.


I deduced that top curve input is the profile curve and the battery beneath that holds the multiple rail curve inputs.  Can you please explain which points are used for the reference points?  Also, are there any other values set directly in the commands I would need that I cannot see in order for this to work?

Here's the definition with some explanation. The reference point for the section curve was the center of the circle but it could be any point depending on what you want as a result.  I went with a symmetric example for simplicity.


Thanks!  Worked like a charm.  One question, what is the "starting parameter" of a curve?  It worked regardless but this would be valuable to know.

how to provide a gumball to a grasshopper geometry? The one like your "reference point" has.

this works, too :-)
Your 3dm file appears to achieve my goal but for various reasons I haven't got GH v0.8 and your .ghx file is not backwards compatible due to "deserialization" issues.






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