
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



i don't know if anyone have an idea about how to simulate the biomechanics of human movement. i need to define a dummi, or at least the shoulder and the arm movement.


any help or idea?.





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You will want to check out Inverse Kinematics.  Daniel Piker has been working on some grasshopper inverse kinematics for kuka robots.  This is usually how the problem is solved in programs like Maya with Character Rigging systems.

thanks i found one in 3ds max!

but define it in grasshopper should be very interesting and also a great challenge.

Yes, 3DS Max has this of course. If you want to use it in GH you have to study the mechanics of it in order to make it happen.  It is definitely possible in GH, as you have seen in the video by Daniel.

That IK for robots I posted is specific to 6 axis arms, and I'm not sure how easily the techniques I used there could be adapted for something like a human with many more degrees of freedom. I will be posting the definition soon though, so you could take a look.


In computer games 'ragdolls' are often made from a network of springs or rods, with some angular constraints. This sort of thing should be possible in Kangaroo with a little care, and using springs with cutoffs to prevent limbs moving too far.


Though a different and quite effective way I found of achieving similar results is with mesh inflation. Simply internal pressure and springs for the edges can give surprisingly realistic results, if the mesh triangulation is tweaked a bit to give flexibility in the right places.

I'll post the files for this soon, just have to fix a minor bug with custom masses in the Kangaroo release first.


I was refering to IK in general as the means by which this is typically addressed in digital models.


Videos above have made my day.

Amazing videos!

That is hilarious. And oh so cool. Reminds me of slow-motion karate videos:





David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


I know what you mean about the slow-mo stuff.

Also kind of like this


Here's the definition if anyone wants to have a play with it.

There's an MD slider to control the position of the ball, so you can slide it around and knock the poor guy over.



You can also try DAZ Studio, its free.

hey! i've just check this out and there is a file called: 'sliders.wrm' how can i use this file?
Unless you install a very old version of Grasshopper you will not be able to open the WRM file.






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