algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Your component must then implement the IGH_VariableParameterComponent interface. Hopefully the 6 or so methods/properties required are reasonably self-explanatory.
Thanks, I have it working. When I want to declare item list tree as input, what has to be changed and is it within this method?
IGH_Param IGH_VariableParameterComponent.CreateParameter(GH_ParameterSide side, int index)
Param_Plane param = new Param_Plane();
param.Name = GH_ComponentParamServer.InventUniqueNickname("PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP", Params.Input);
param.NickName = param.Name;
param.Description = "Plane" + (Params.Input.Count + 1);
return param;
I recommend making CreateParameter as simple as possible. Do all parameter property assignments in the Maintenance function, it gets called a lot more than CreateParameter. I'd suggest only having return new Param_Plane(); in CreateParameter().
Found param.Access = GH_ParamAccess.list;
What would be the logic for creating multiple outputs that contains one object per output?
For instance I have 1 list of numbers: 0 1 2 3 4, but it can be 0 1 2 or only one number.
In these cases components creates either 5 or 3 or 1 output, each containing one element of the list.
This is not a good idea to do automatically. People spend time and effort hooking up wires to parameters and they'd get cross if you just delete a parameter without asking them. This can easily happen when the user cancels a solution for example.
It's sort of ok to only add parameters and only ask to delete, but I recommend taking the ExplodeTree approach. Add an error/warning to the component if the output layout doesn't match up with the data, and add a menu item which fixes this.
Either way though, you cannot change the parameter layout during solutions. Adding/removing parameters to/from component can be done in either:
Thank you a lot I did it just as explode tree component:)
Would it be possible to get more information about Custom GH_Param scripting? :)
I posted message and .cs files in latest thread:
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