
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the K2 Collider Goal in Python, but I am having hard times understanding what does a 'List[Object]' is.

This is the error I am getting when feeding in a list of Lines:

"Runtime error (ArgumentTypeException): expected List[object], got list".

I tried to check in the C# example goal in Daniel Piker GitHub ( but I am pretty new in scripting and I could not figure out which is the problem.

Any help would be much appreciated,



Views: 718

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It's referring to the .NET generic list type. To instantiate one using IronPython you can do like so:

# Import the type
from System.Collections.Generic import List

# Instantiate a list
myDotNetList = List[object]()

Edit: Object might be capitalized, I forget. Also, If you're making a list which contains a specific type (like say, Kangaroo2 goals) you might want to declare this instead of object (for instance: ks.IGoal with the KangarooSolver.dll imported under the alias ks).

Wow, cool! 

And seems like object doesn't need to be capitalised.


Mange tak

EDIT: I get the following error. 

Runtime error (NullReferenceException): Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

But if I capitalise Object, then it simply says:

expected Array[Type], got list

Think we'll need a definition to troubleshoot further, otherwise it'd just be guesswork. Or, pop downstairs :)





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