
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I wanted to make a curve between two points but didn't know how (it just kept making a straight line).

So I just made a third point close by and used the 3 point Arc component. But now I want to trim that last piece of the curve so its just a curve between my first two points.

Sorry, quite new so any help is appreciated.


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Well, "a curve between two points" is quite an underconstrained problem. There is an infinite amount of curves that go from point A to point B, but the straight line is special because it is the shortest (and simplest) of all possible curves.

You're going to have to add some additional constraints if you want something other than a line. Do you want a curve of a specific length but with constant curvature? Do you want an arc with a fixed radius? Do you want an arc with a specific starting direction? Do you want a curve that bulges out a specific amount? ...? ...?

These are all very good points. I forgot the software cant really read my mind! I've sorted this though in a rather crude way by baking and referencing back into grasshopper.

Thanks for your quick reply!

I do have another question though if you could help.

I have a curve, and I want to create points along the curve. The divide curve component divides the curve into points and segments. This is good, but the number of segments, will be equal along the length of the curve.

I want to set where, along my curve, i place my points. Is there some "map points onto curve" tool that I can use?

Hi, how want you set your points? you could evaluate the curve, there is pointOnCurve component, you also could use PullGeometry to pull points on the curve  and there are more ways do to this.







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