
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to create a connected planar voronoi surface for the surface below. Same as in this case (, but it seems not to work well.

Then I would like to extrude the voronoi curves to get something like this: 

I would appreciate any help, thank you in advance guys!

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Did you tried to planarize it with kangaroo 2?



1) Tween base curves

2)Find mid point of each Voronoi curve

3) Create a plane on the points

4)Orient it to the tweened curve

5) Offset curve using those planes

This is all i got so far with kangaroo 2

Enable the engine to run it.

Play with the sliders of the goals to get your result


Thank you very much Hendrik and Jack, I really appreciate your help! I was exactly what I wanted to get, but I still have problems with the extrusion. It creates an overlapped extrusion, any idea of how can I solve this? 


Try this.

in GH it looks weird, but if you bake it, it will be as you wish.


The problem is you have found the edges of the surfaces, and so at every boundary there are two faces being offset which will result in overlapping. What you want is to find the boundary between the cells and offset it and then split it.

1) extrude the origional surface
2)make a 3D voronoi around it
3) find the intersecting surfaces of the two geometries
4)hide the rest
5) offset the surfaces to give some thickness to the material
6)split the polysurface with the origional voronoi


4) use weaverbird window (I think it's called, the green square with a hole in it)
5)split the polysurface with the origional voronoi

Or just offset the base surface, project the edges of each cell on it and rule those two curves.

Thanks a lot guys, you were very helpful! Finally I got the result that I wanted! :)






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