
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all

My question is if there is an easy way to pick a specific zone among say 100 zones in HB to assign specific properties such as an occupancy schedule, or population density, or other thermal properties to that zone?
My understanding is that in HB, selecting zones to assign them properties is not convenient. The main reason is that all zones are tagged as "closed Brep"s with no number or unique name.
When I use "zone attributes" command, I can see that they have a name such as Zone-23 but when I want to pick them from a HB command box, the output of the box shows CLosed Brep.
I think this is very crucial for energy modeler to see zones one by one and see the attributes of that space and be able to change them. I would love to learn how you could do that in HB.
Thanks again


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Hi Ladan,

You can iterate through all the zones using native grasshopper list item component. With that you can definitely select the zone you want to assign properties to. I have attached an example.



They are showing as ClosedBrep because that is what they are in Grasshopper. To answer rest of your questions besides what Devang has already answered.

1. To see the name and the program of the zone you can connect them to askMe component.

2. You can access loads and schedules by using the components under tab 05.


Thank you very much! this was exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate that.






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