
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Gh Users in Berlin,

since already about 20 people subscribed to this group I was wondering if there is some interest in a "physical" user meeting in some central location in Berlin (like a bar) in order to have a platform for connection and exchange for Berliners who are Gh-enthusiasts.

Let me know what you think and hopefully see you soon!

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Hi Adrian and as well Anastasia, 

would you two like to co-organize the user meeting with me? Maybe we could talk about who can present what and a little program on the phone or skype some when soon? Would me great!

Also greeting to the people at LAVA some of them might now me:)

The FabLab is not confirmed but im working on it.

Sure, how can I contact you? Maybe we can connect via facebook? How is your name there? Greetings from Julian ;)

I would like to join as well. Please keep updated as plans become more concrete. Looking forward to meeting you all

Great to hear Tom! Maybe it will be a little later something like the 12.12. or 15.12. as we need some time to announce it and invite people.. 

We will settle this this week and make the official announcement then!

So any dates yet ? BTW we are searching for a talented designer for our competition team @the graft office Berlin. Anyone feels like this could the right thing to start into 2017? Emails with a complete CV at

Will take place the Twentieth of January 2017 at the Fab Lab Berlin

If somebody is interested to do a short presentation please write to:

best, chris


We planned the next event.

Come and join us for the GH User Meeting vol. II. 5/04/2017

If you're interested in presenting your work send me an e-mail to







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