algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi folks,
Been searching the internet and can't seem to get the answer to my exact question. I'm so novice in gh that I can't really modify the answers I have found that are close, such as the below:
What I'd like to do is create a blend between 2d geometric patterns. I believe I could go about it by creating a grid, or maybe I should modify the individual geometry such as in the above example (but 2d) and then array?
I am trying to design a cube where the surface patterns on each face "blend" into one another at the edges. The underlying grid is the same on all the patterns, which I'm hoping should help. I will add images of the exact patterns if that would be helpful, but the general gist is trying to go from a grid to a subway tile pattern to a herringbone pattern, etc... see reference images attached. Most of the patterns I am using are repeating geometries on each face.
Any suggestions on how to write this script would be SO incredibly appreciated.
Thank you!
Wanted to bump this by also adding a better link to what I am trying to achieve, though obviously automated instead of manual. Again - if anyone can help instruct me on how to set this up in gh, I'd be grateful!
what you want to do is not so easy. The problem is that the number of rectangles is not always the same, so you must have rectangle with a null surface (a line) in order to be able to morph something. Each point of the geometry "from" has to have a point on geometry "to". You can draw that by hand and find the logic.
You can look at these threads also
I will test one thing and come with an example.
Hi Laurent,
Thank you for your reply! I've seen the "morphing 2d geometries" post, but I must admit I didn't find it very helpful at explaining the logic behind the solution with images...perhaps you could clarify, if you think that's the best way to achieve what I'm doing? I understand that the points are adjusted, but that's about as much as I got from the post, unfortunately, as I'm still very new to gh.
The tessellation seems to be the best route, if I understand correctly.
In reply to the file you added (THANK YOU!) I have one question: the last line of definition is supposed to...create the repeating pattern? I'm a little unclear, I apologize! I have attached an image that shows it has no data. The things you have shown so far make sense, and yet I cannot wrap my head around how to make them a repeating field yet... maybe apply them to a grid?
Thanks again for your time and patience.
Thanks Laurent! This is much closer!
I am curious if there is a way to make the pattern connect more seamlessly... Perhaps offsetting the geometry so that one gets the herringbone pattern?
Check out this definition I found elsewhere that deforms a pattern by rotation...maybe this is helpful for making it look like it morphs within the grid better, and creates a more "tiled" look? Although this one doesn't seem to be "drawing" the geometries using the inputs as you did...but maybe it gives you an idea? Sorry I am not better at gh to help propose my own definitions yet!
No rhino file is needed for the attached gh file.
Hi Lilia,
what I gave you is an example for helping you. It morphs a subway to herringbone (red colored). You have to put them in the proper place and add the shapes that doesn't change.
The coordinate of a panel say subway is
X = (i*4+(j%4)) % (max size in X)
Z = j
i is a series from 0 to 2, step 1
j is a series from 0 to 7, step 1
% is modulo used to shift
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