
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

isotrim (large)surface- getting a untrimmed surface in the end

Ok ..I have a huge D.E.M surface out of which I want to parcel out a test patch. I also want this patch to be divided by a set unit. I able to write  a script for it, but due to the large number of sub-surfaces, the script crashes( specifically if the length of division is lowered below 50m). Is there any other way?

The thing is if you split the surface you get a trimmed surface, nd if you iso trim the surface, the whole patch  gets divided. Thus I wrote the script in a way that divides the whole surface and selects the cells that fall within the test patch curve. But now due to very high number of divisions, thus the script fails there.

Any help is much appreciated!



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Hi Peter,

Not entirely it should be indented the same way as shown, with all the variables indicated above left corner(check image).

I have done a (not so fast grasshopper script to divide the surface into cell size of 5m (315420 cells) and then evaluate the subsurfaces to get midpoints. Now I'm doing a quick python code(extracting the writing part from the previous script). I want to do a quick check ,whether the file created is accepted by the other program

Thanks in advance. 

Coordinates to Text > restart from node 0 (depth of answers is rather limited etc etc).

Assuming that we have a DataTree of type Point3d:

1. Variables: Including the variables on top of the txt file is a piece of cake, forget that.

2. Format (very easy): From the image supplied appears that you want just a "stream" of coordinates separated by a space ?? (I.e. NOT in the "usual" format x,y,z + new line) Say:  x space y space z space then x1 space y1 space z1 space etc etc.

Is this correct ??? 

Note: Obviously with an user controlled decimal accuracy (I.e. Math.Round(value, decimals))


Good news: see attached: 2 output modes available.

Bad news: I'm out of cigars (and Vodka) > total disaster.

Ugly news: It rains > Panigale - obviously - doesn't start > %#$%#$.

Note: explain what the "variables" mean or edit the C# and add some lines of code. 

best, Lord of Darkness, Prince of Desert Rats


WHAT an idiot > please edit C# and replace y with z

Hi Peter

Thanks for the update although I'm looking to place these points either by rows or by columns, do you think that is possible. Refer Image

Thanks in advance

Well ... anything is very easy (just a line or two in the ExportCoordinate thingy).

Given a DataTree describe explicitly what you mean by rows/columns: branches/items ???

BTW: the above image appears that outputs coordinates kinda like the 2nd option [one point per line]. 

Dear Lord,

I took a long workaround(a crazy one). Since these geo-programs like points so much I just generated an excel file(lunchbox) that had 3 columns (easting:X values, northing:Y values and elevation:Z values)- These were a lot of values. Then imported it into ArcMap converted it into a raster then exported as an ASCII text file pretty stupid if you ask me). This file seems to be accepted by RAMMS(Rapid mass movements)/debris flow calculator.

I would be visiting your dark domain again very soon- it;s time for genetic algorithms and structural analysis of earthbag structures/shells. Damn! where does all of these leave me in the end. Anyhow a long day has finally come to an end. Perhaps I can pat my back and smoke(the good stuff) with relief tonight.


A rat in the desert

You are sailing into rough seas.

Solution: Leave past behind > join the Dark Side.

HAHA (the image)!

Not a single day goes by in peace!!.. encountered another trouble the Numpy and Scipy libraries compatibility with rhino python. It's a mammoth task. I have converted Schroeder's script. for fluid dynamics inside grasshopper environment. Although I can't get the Numpy and Scipy libraries to work. I was hoping you would have a crack for this problem.

Thanks in Advance

a desert rat who want's to live in peace.

Hmm ... I have this thingy (in C#) BUT I can't remember where it is (among ~7K other thingies). Maybe a Huan Valdez overdose can shed some light.

BTW: There's no such thing as piece. Only war in various states.

Dear Lord
Any luck locating the demos?






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