
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I am using automated blinds in my simulation and I can get the daylight analysis for a specific hour in a day. I tried to get Daylight analysis for 8 hours (9am-5pm) using "Read hourly results from annual daylight study".. but I failed. 

I think because I am using automated blinds! .. or I am using the wrong component?

Can you help me with that issue..?

Please see attached files.

Best regards,

Ahmad Eltaweel

Views: 991


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Hi Ahmad, In your second image the results of runDylightAnalysis is empty, since you haven't ran the analysis. The boolean is set to False.

Hi Ahmed, I studied your article related to optimizing blinds in an office, using movable and rotating slats. Great. I am working on a new issue, using your idea in free form building skins, with different types of patterns. to do that, I need your help. I wondered if you guided me with the article. I am going to submit the article from both of us since I have get the main idea and helps from your's.

If you can help me, please let me know.

Kindest regards.







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