
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I have multiple meshes and I need to separate the faces that have a normal on the Y axis.

Thank you


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this should do it:

your definition works well with a primitive mesh, but applying to a set of meshes give me this result

(btw I know it's working on Z axis, it was a mistake.) I want to remove the top and the bottom of the cells

Thank you very much for your help!

Hello Prospero,

my reply was a bit hasty. Seeing it again I realize it will not work on a mesh with faces semi-oriented towards the Z axis (that is a good reason for uploading your files - I would have tested it and seen it doesn't work).

Anyway, I believe this should work:

just plug your meshes on the mesh container (so that they are grafted).


Wow! thank you very much, works like a charm.

Last thing, what shuld I do if I want to just select those faces for use them and not culling them from my mesh?

again, thanks a lot

This can give you the mesh faces:

or you could right-click/Invert on the [CullF] P input.

what's plugging into dispatch?

Into L: the faces of the mesh(es),

into P: a true/false pattern with true if both X and Y vectors of a face are 0.

Do your shells have faces that are accurately z oriented? is it always the z ones you want removed?

its difficult to judge from the screenshot. like nikos says uploading makes things a lot easier.

If not perhaps a min max angle deviation from z axis is needed to see which faces are culled or not.



thank you but I just need faces perpendicular to XY

Hi guys, 

I'm having a little problem following this technique. I can cull/select the z mesh faces, but it tend to select both x and y faces. I want to select all faces facing x only. 

Thanks in advance. 


Hello Muhammad,

Try the second definition and from [DeVec] component use the Y and Z outputs.

hope this helps,


Hi Nikos,

Thanks for the response. I've actually manage to work it out. 

My problem was because the mesh are joined together because i generate the mesh boxes from a cellular level. Using DeVec wont help me cause the Y and Z output kind of messed up somehow.

I use dot product instead and cull it that i found from other discussion.

Aniway,appreciate the response again and here is how i resolve it. 








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