
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello to everyone.

I have tried the @it plugin ( with the shapefile downloaded from this site.

When I connect the polygon geometry of shapefile to the extrude component, after some time, it appears a message of error and Rhino crashes.

How can I solve?

Views: 1603


Replies to This Discussion

I have tried to simplify the data with this model:

Even if the unit of measure in Rhino is setted to meters, the view is incoherent:

So I have tried to divide for 1000 the height values:

And I obtained this perspective view:

Hi Francesco,

There are about 60.000 polygon and you are trying to extrude them at once. It is probably the reason that Rhino crashes because not enough memory to do it so!

I recommend you to use filter options in the component and reduce the number of the shapes to extrude at once. In the dataset there might be a feature that you can filter data by region or zipcode. Then extrude the polygons, i also suggest make surface from polygons first and extrude the surface instead closed polyline. Also flatten the inputs of extrusion.

Hi Elcin,

first of all thank you for the reply.

in the dataset I haven't found the zipcode data.
I have made the surface from polygons and then I have extruded the surface:

I have read that the scale is 1:2000 so I have divided the building height for this value but the extrusion is still very high so I have tryed to divide for 2000000 but the height of building is very small. A reasonable value could be 200000:

I will verify this value by measuring some lengths known..







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