
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone

I've made this definition where I've projected a certain number of points (360 in this case but could change) on a surface.

Now I'd like to rotate each point of one degree ( but also this could change) and then make a spline through every points. In the end I'd like to have an helicoid curve.

How can I rotate each point of a different degree?

I've tried with domains and lists but nothing so far. Can somebody help me?

Thanks everyone

Views: 3074


Replies to This Discussion

create a series of angles using the SERIES component.

If you want all angles to be the same, set the step input to zero.

The number of items in your series will be the ListLength of your points.

If you want random rotations, use the RANDOM component.

Hi Martyn

Thanks for the hint. I'll try as soon as I can and let you know if it works.

Thanks again

Hi Martyn

I'm trying the components you suggested me but they are not working properly.

Now I succeed in rotating the points in different degrees but they are not behaving the way I wish. Maybe I did something wrong...

What I'd like to get is to choose the rotating angle I want and distribute those points on that angle.

In this case I have 360 points and I want an angle of 360 degree, so each point should rotate of 1 degree, but I would also have the possibility to rotate al the points on an angle of any kind.

I hope I explained myself.

Thanks again for your help

ciao ciao


Hi Fabrizio,

Rather than use a SERIES component, you can use the RANGE component, which would allow you to control the overall rotation of the points. Also, you need to convert the degrees into radians for the Rotate3D component.

A setup could be like this:


Hi Andy

You're Awesome!

It's working.

Thanks a lot!!






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