
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Who knows the solution?

What analogues exist?

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Patch is the tip of the iceberg  ...  but if this has real-life aspirations "matching" nodes to the inner loops IS the iceberg. MeshMachine (actually not but anyway) and the likes.

Then is the "trivial" thingy to create a W truss out of these triads ... IF a geo dome is not enough for structural integrity. Easily addressable via code.

Then is the other anathema of our blob admiring Times: planarity. Blame that %$#%$# YAS Marina hotel that ignited all that. That said Daniel did a mighty job in K2 on that matter.

Not nuclear science (I would strongly suggest triangulation instead of quads) ... but not the easiest thingy around especially if node/strut clash checks are required (only addressable via code).

Plan B (manual solution): Evolute Tools Pro.




If we forget the spiral thingy (complex even via C#) and having into mind the sizes of the panels (consideration Numero Uno) AND the contemporary trend towards quads (or higher) ...  this is the recommended way to start digging into the rabbit hole (load R file for the demo Brep).

Notice the departure(*) from the YAS logic in the proximity of inner/outer loops  ...if there's any logic on that kitsch envelope (especially with these pink/magenta LED's during the F1 race).

(*) if you attempt to triangulate the inner/outer loops you'll end up chasing your own tail (aesthetically speaking).

BTW: for Blob's form I would suggest forgetting GH and use TSplines (many bugs, mind).


BTW: Of course there's always many ultra expensive ways to spend cash for absolutely no reason.

Thanks Mohamed and Peter. The surface, in reality consists of a grid of Chebyshev. Perhaps while only Plan B (manual solution): Evolute Tools Pro and TSplines

one hole, not net Chebyshev, tools t-splines and wb

The problem with that type of approach/underlying surface (or polysurface) is that panels differ quite vastly (compare base loop VS hole loop). From a node angle and down it could be impossible to make it using other than opaque panels (whilst various seal issues arise) not to mention  node clash issues with regard the load bearing structure (LBS).

For instance imagine this structural glazing system trying to follow "steep" strut angles (unless you opt for a very expensive planar glazing solution supported via brackets via some MERO KK System or equivalent):

All right, this is a problem not only of geometry, I have the original gridshell, coating in the form of scales or cloth   

That said MERO NK/ZK systems (like the node captured) are not very "cooperative" with regard steep strut angles.

If you have plans to design anything "similar" in real-life I would strongly suggest:

1. The bottom-top approach (or at least a parallel top-bottom to bottom-top). I.e. BEFORE adopting any concept design orientation have a full understatement of the capabilities of the candidate LBS/envelope system (either commercially available or some bespoke custom solution). This frequently yields a rejection of the initial idea in favor of more pragmatic solutions (in relation with the budget as well), 

2. Mastermind some way to check clash issues on nodes/struts (use trigonometry instead of boolean "solid" ops). That's rather easy with code ... not that easy via native components.

3. Exploit tensegrity trusses (say: a double tetra) that allow far more topological liberties but they cost an arm and a leg (2-5 times more than an equivalent MERO system). This is also easily done via code ... not that easy via native components.

4. Exploit tensile membrane solutions that fully justify that poor old long forgotten form follows function. This could yield totally different topologies mind. 

5. Accept the fact that an optimum "whole" requires an equally optimum control on "nuts and bolts".

My Node System are cheaper, do not require complex equipment and calculation of angles, it is easier to do than to provide them with an algorithm. "Accept the fact that an optimum "whole" requires an equally optimum control on "nuts and bolts".

At the end, here is a possibility to replicate these pavillons. It was a good exercice. The bad render on top is due to the fact that I try to change quad to planar quad (2 triangles) with an horizontal separation.

On next post I will try to explain how to do that.







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