
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Help for my project - To create blades of wood and to move them in space

Dear all,

Thanks in advance for any idea to help me. I'm also French, please feel free to make me guilty about my english, but i'll do my best to be understand.

I'm working on a predesign project which is the following :

"in a box", i would like to create structure made by wooden blades that follow floor, wall and ceiling, but moving from this support due to "curves" which are the most important variables.

Here is my "logic". You will find enclosed to this post my files as well.

In bold what i'm unable to do by myself (i guess) :

Take the square of 25 m x 12 m ; make it a surface

I divide it in "blades" of 20 cm

I take the edges of the "blades"

I divide this edges in 40 points (or equivalent) (A)

I identify my curves (curves) which are on the floors

I identify the crosspoint between my edge-blade and the curves (B)

I have to test the difference between X Y Z of each A and B.

I have to test which B point is the closest of each A

Each A points which is close to B (Distance < 40 cm) must be on the floor

I have to input a math formula in order to représent the movement of A points regarding their distance to B (example : A1 Z = Distance between A1 and B / 2)

If there are 2+ B, that mean that i have "to do something" to get a correct movement. I mean

2 consecutives points must be on the same "plan"

2 height difference between each point must be 0 or a dedicated value

Regarding Ceiling, it is a duplication of the floor but there is coef to apply with Z distance.

2 parallele points on a define axis, example : X, and consecutive can't have more than 20cm of difference

When all points have moves regarding "parameters" and "curves"; i have to do curve linking all the point of a same "line".

After that i duplicate this curve to a upper curve.


Extrude surface and then, it's done ?

To be clear, i miss the part where i need to make my points move regarding variables...

I'm sorry, RHI Grasshopper projet.3dm does not represent the "need" to have to consecutive point on the same plan

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Something like this?


Dear Hyungsoo Kim,

Thanks for this work. I look at your job and as expected my explanation was not good enough.

And (but it was not expected haha) i missed many thing to get what i'm looking for.

tonight i will release a new file my be more accurate to understand what i am aiming fo

sorry for being late about my reply.

What i want to get is the following file for "one blade" and regarding the previous variables.

Also i tried to do it step by step, acting as "if i did a grasshopper" logic but it miss when comes the copy or offset.

Here is my following logic

Take the square of 25 m x 12 m ; make it a surface

I divide it in "blades" of 20 cm

I take the edges of the "blades",

I divide this edges in 40 points (or equivalent) (A)

I identify my curves (curves) which are on the floors, which are curves (B)

First i do this "test" :

for each crossroad between A and B, i make a circle of X cm (slider) of diameter and the rule is the following :

* In this circle, the future movement of my A curve must be at Z = 0

Second step :

for each next point, i have to : leave a copy on Z = 0 and rise the second one for a heigh of Y cm (slider) from the ground.

the next (W = slider to chose every each number of point, i decide to do the following point) point, which is a little bit farer from the previous point, must duplicate the same height of Y ; and also be copied to Y + Y cm.

There is a Z number (slider) which is the max height possible for these points, which mean that the next point must be at this very same level except ... The third step scenario.

The purpose is to be able to have flat area, like step in a stairway.

Third step :

The grasshopper must test if the A points are between two or more "area at Z = 0". Why ?

The goal is to obtain something like screen "side view" if there are two starting points at Z = 0.

Which also mean that if there is an odd number of points, the remaining odd number must be at the top of the "stairs"

At this point of the grasshopper, we might be able to obtain, thanks to the sliders the "staircase form" regarding :

- The size of the test circle between A and B curves

- The "footstep" of each points (height)

- The number of points before a "copy of the point + the next footstep rise"

- The max heigh possible for all the point off B curves

And at this moment i have a new problem in my logic. You will get my idea, but it might be wrong as well...

Therefore, and after that, we should be able to link every point by a straight line.

To fillet with P (angle) a line with the following one

To join all the line of a same B curve

To cut it at the center of each circle at Z = 0 (the crossroad of A and B)

To offset it with Q (distance)

To rise a line from the center of each circle at Z = 0

To cut the extra part of each Offset"ed" curve to get an offset curve "aligned in Z" with the original one.

To create loft the original and offset"ed" one

To extrude the surface to a distance of R

And grasshopper "should be done" because, i will duplicate it for the ceiling, reverse the form with a -Z vector to the Y value and modifie my Z in Z' to modify my max height

Could you help me ?


no one ? :(

Hey, dude.

I just spot on this and after reading your unusually lengthy description, I have a thought comes to mind.

Your description provide enough details and the sequence of design is very logical, so, It looks practically as good as finished product.

Roughly I can try a thing of the like description but not fully followed your thought.(In fact, I didn't get it fully.) And there are lots of data tree things going on.. so,

I'm not sure you could understand the whole data tree things....and of course, my method may not be what you are after.

So, you'd better that you create yours by yourself and when if you run into difficulties,we can discuss later on.







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