
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've uploaded the Grasshopper 0.6.0015 installer. Download links available in this post.

!!! Careful, do not overwrite old files. Use the SaveAs... feature instead !!!

Since quite a lot has changed I'm assuming there will be some serious bugs. I'll upload a new installer friday-evening with all available fixes. Until then, you can get the pre-release here:
EXE installer

and a zipped version of the same installer:
ZIP installer

Known problems:
- Layout logic has been largely rewritten, which means that components and parameters will appear slightly shifted when loading old files. Panels, ParamViewers, Sketches etc should remain in place.

- Many core functions and classes have been changed. This will affect those VB and C# components that were calling directly into Grasshopper. Several of Giulio Piacento's components (TheEngine, BakingTools) will no longer work for example.

- Clusters have been removed entirely (trust me, there's a good reason for this), so any file you load that had clusters will give you IO warnings and the cluster contents will spill directly onto the canvas (functionality should remain the same).

New Features:
- Params.Special.ParamViewer now has scrollbars if the data description exceeds the visual rectangle.
- Params.Special.ParamViewer now has an alternative display mode which draws a graphic representation of the data tree.
- VB and C# component type hints are now much more robust.
- Zoom Selected button in View menu and Canvas Toolbar.
- Enable/Disable Solver switch which allows the user to completely switch off Grasshopper updates. This global switch replaces the RhinoEvents and Grasshopper events toggles, which were document bound.
- It is now possible to save and restore states ([Solution->Save State...] and [Solution->Restore State] menu). Sliders, Graphs, Boolean Toggles, Colour Swatches and Gradients can be included in a state record.
- ASSERTS can now all individually be discarded for the remainder of the runtime process.
- Discarded ASSERTS can be re-enabled via the [Solution->Clear Exception Ignore List] menu.
- Save operations are now echoed in the status bar, so there is feedback when using Ctrl+S.
- Deselect objects by pressing Escape in addition to Ctrl+D.
- Unknown shortcut combinations and unhandled keypresses are now relayed to the Rhino command line. So if you type "line" while Grasshopper is the active window, it will start the _Line command in Rhino.
- Objects can now instantiate themselves from IDs and Object Names, though there is still a problem with auto-updates.
- Variable parameter UI has been tuned up and all remaining (I hope) bugs have been fixed.
- Parameters and Components now have per-object display modes for icons, text or application default.
- Bakeable objects now feature a Bake... option in the menu which exposes more control over attributes.
- The Panel object now has an option for multiline input, which allows you to define a list of Strings simply by typing in multiple lines.

New Components:
- Params.Primitive.ID (represents a list of Rhino object IDs)
- Params.Special.Readfile (asynchronous text file parsing from disk with auto-update feature)
- Params.Special.ImageSampler (asynchronous image file parsing from disk with auto-update feature)
- Logic.Tree.ExplodeTree (extract all the branches from a data tree)
- Logic.Tree.PathCompare (compare a path to a search pattern)
- Logic.Tree.ReplaceBranches (a find/replace operation on the branches of data trees. Read the help topic of this component for information about how path mask work.)
- Vector.Vector.Display (preview anchored vectors in the Rhino viewport with an optional gradient)
- Curve.Util.Reduce (polyline reduction algorithm)
- Curve.Util.Rebuild (rebuild curves)
- Curve.Spline.CircleFit (fit circles between other circles)
- Surface.Primitive.SphereFit (create a least-squares fitting sphere for a set of 3D points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.ConvexHull (create a 2D convex hull for a set of points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.DelaunayEdges (create a 2D delaunay edge-graph for a set of points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.DelaunayMesh (create a 2D delaunay mesh triangulation for a set of points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.FacetDome (create a facetted dome for a set of points on a sphere)
- Mesh.Triangulation.OcTree (create a 3D Oc-Tree structure for a set of points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.QuadTree (create 2D Quad-Tree structure for a set of points)
- Mesh.Triangulation.Proximity2D (find the N closest points in a 2D set based on minimum and maximum search radii)
- Mesh.Triangulation.Proximity3D (find the N closest points in a 3D set based on minimum and maximum search radii)
- Mesh.Triangulation.Voronoi (create a 2D voronoi diagram for a set of points)
- Intersect.Boolean.TrimSolid (trim a Brep with any number of cutting objects)
- XForm.Morph.SpatialDeform (deform geometry based on a custom spatial definition)

If you're brave enough to test this, please post bugs as soon as possible on this forum since I only have 1 day left before I leave for Siggraph.


David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates

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Hallo David,
Is it maybe possible to create a function for add length to a curve and likewise surface.
A further function would be usable unfolding straight lofted surface.

thanks Rafi
I wonder if I've stumbled upon a bug in the Spatial Deform component (or maybe I'm doing something wrong). It seems fairly straightforward. I fed a surface into the G-input. I fed 5 points into the S-input (similarly to your video) and then fed 5 vectors into the F-input. The first 4 vectors are the same (0,0,-1) and the 5th is (0,0,-5). I hook this all up, and everything seems to work well, so far. I also used the new vector display to display the vectors (these look like strings hanging from the ceiling), and then used the proximity 2d component to connect all of the exterior points to the center point (which is pushing the surface down 5 units).
So, when I go and move that center point to some new coordinate (in this case, I just lowered it a few units) you would think the deformed surface would update... but it doesn't. It seems frozen in the state where all of the original points were co-planar. Is this correct? Or is it a bug? See my screenshot for further explanation.






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