
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Cull Duplicates indices gives a lot of (-1) values rather than a proper list

I need to remove identical faces from a geometry ( all with identical areas ), and to do this i am trying to remove the repeating centroids, but the Cull Duplicates component gives me a lot of minuses (-1 values). is it fixable?

and i wonder if there is another solution? because i saw previous discussions talking about using this method if the areas are differentiated ( by sorting areas and remove duplicated area)

Stirling(slfastmesh) component doesnt work as well 

Views: 1251


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Is it what you are after?


Thank you, but why i had the minus values at the first place 

and how it was fixed 

I changed RMB options of "Cull Duplicates" component fr "Average" to "Leave One".

-Average: I guess "-1 "represent newly spawned point so that it can't have a previous index
-Cull All : remove all duplicated points
-Leave One : remove all duplicated points except one of each overlap

Oh, I realized there is a button say ( Average- Cull All - Keep one), but I dont know what does it mean

Get the Dark Side stuff as well (were various "filtering" policies are obviously possible: at present time 2 [centroids, area] are used).

This is very fast VS very large amount of data (say: 2.345 zillions).


Thank you Peter, I will try and get back to you 

Have in mind that equality is not that simple: equal integers/doubles (or points) is one thing ... but "equal" breps ... well ... that's another animal.

Just for the fun part ... post some other case with more "challenging" criteria.






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