
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, i am grasshopper beginner, i'm so interested about geometry pattern.

is this pattern can use grasshopper to make  Seamless pattern?

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It is almost possible to do everything with grasshopper, many components, programmation in VB C# Python ... The problem here is the beginning, do you have an algorithm to do such a pattern ? Interesting pattern in did but it doesn't seem easy to make ? Do you have some references, always good to known where it comes from ...
The best I can propose to you is that
But you need to have elongated closed curves.

Laurent thanks.

Yes I did an algorithm ,is Chinese ice-ray lattice.

But it seems not could be Seamless pattern, and how do i change every shape's cusp to be crooked like imagine?


On way to make seamless pattern is to make it on a torus. Imagine you connect the sides of the rectangls, first it becomes a cylinder and then a torus. 

For the bend shape you could use ceramick crack, it looks like a bit.

Here an example of pattern from a torus (in XY plane) to a plane :

first I cracked a torus (big diameter of 20 and little diameter of 10)

I extracted all the curves, cut them with a plane XY and XZ, so separated the curves in 4 groups. The control points of these curves were transformed in radians between 0 and 2PI, sort of UV.

This gives me that, torus induce some distorsion which surely could be corrected, scale in U and some stretching in V.

And this could be arrayed

extracted all the curves, but how could I cut them with a plane XY and XZ?

I cut the curves in rhino with 2 planes surfaces
I will send you the file to unfold the torus.
In order to have less distortions it could be better to lower the little radius.

OK, Laurent thanks.

May I ask other question? How could I use this 2D pattern transform to 3D, like topic imagine?

You could look at that
PS I will publish tonight a method to transform curves on a torus to a rectangle

No time to write to much. I have a bug , but it seems more a Rhino/GH bug ! 

This GH cut a torus with planes or cylinder and flatten the result on a plane. SO it could be used to generate seamless patterns. 


I select all curve to curve cutter's curve, but seems can not like your second imagine.

How can I do this step?

Take the last definition I post in this discussion. You will certainly find were to plug your curve.

where can I plug my curve?






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