
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I think I have a sample problem that many Grasshoppers would benefit from seeing solved…

I submit the enclosed .3dm and .gh files for your consideration. But just know that I believe is completely self-contained. As the name implies, I’m using a vase-like design to learn Grasshopper.

My shape consists of 5 surfaces:
* Exterior side
* Interior side
* Exterior base (floor)
* Interior base
* Top (joining interior side to exterior side)

I *think* I’ve generated Brep geometries for each successive surface, beginning with the exterior side, using the edges that I’ve gotten from those surfaces already generated. I *think* that this should result in a collection of adjacent surfaces that can be joined together to create a solid. The problem is that GH is in fact unable to create a solid from these surfaces, and I don’t understand why.

Thanks for any help,
- Bob

Views: 4457


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In case you're interested, I've enclosed a photo of a 19 inch tall vase designed using my GH learning tool and then printed on my gMax printer. Affordable architectural scale printing is finally coming online. It's exciting.

- Bob


That's an impressive piece - one of the largest I've seen printed.  My printer is a delta with a max height of 320mm and I printed a vase that was around 290 mm high - but it took 44 hours. I'm not sure I'll try something that large again.

Yes, I use only GH for all my designs - I found the parametric capability of GH perfectly suited to making quick changes. I fix STL errors with 3D Builder and slice with Craftware, and I like both if these products a lot.  I also have Simplify3D but almost never use it.

For lighting fixtures I've found LED puck lights are quite nice. There are links to some good ones on most of my Thingiverse or Pinshape LED Lamp pages. I'm still trying to find a wall powered color changing LED light that has a fixture small enough to fit inside one of my designs.






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