
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I'm trying to do some curves on a surface to form a lattice-like structure. So far, I have 4 curves, which are then divided to form one part of the lattice (you can see the lines going one direction.) these lines are important because they're all straight lines. The idea is then to have curved pieces going the opposite direction to form the lattice (doesn't have to be exactly 90 degrees right now).

So far, I haven't been having much luck with things like curve on surface or isotrim, and I'm a bit stuck. Even if someone had an idea for an approach, that would be a huge help. Here's where I get to before running into difficulties:

I've also highlighted two points on the straight pieces to show the approximate direction of where the curved connecting pieces would ideally go. I tried using those as uv points for a curve-on-surface, but with no luck!

Any help would be massively appreciated!

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Hi, could you please post the 3dm and gh files so it's easier to troubleshoot? I have a few ideas of what to do but I'm not sure if it'll work well with your geometry.

Oh sorry, of course! I should have attached that first.


Here's some progress I've done. It still doesn't work properly, although it's pretty close. I tried removing duplicate points with a high tolerance, but perhaps you can try to link together all of the individual lines (or at least the ones that should go together) and then try to rebuild a curve from those lines by removing the small segments. Take a closer look at the preview in Rhino to understand what I mean.



ok this is more than enough for the moment. we're using this as an alternative roof structure proposal. right now, it's just for illustrative purposes, but yes, this is pretty damn close to what we're looking for!

That is a gigantic help Christian! Thanks a lot for that! Very much appreciated.

No problem!






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