
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,


i'm having a problem that makes me lose my mind...

I have a large amount of curves i need to offset in Z direction. for the most part it works, but for some curves I get gaps, for no apparent reason. The line in the screenshot is a SINGLE open polyline. All vertices are connected.

Still, GAP!

A picture says more than thousand words:


blue: starting line

red: GH generated offset


so far i've tried to

- explode the curve, flip the segments and join them back together before offsetting.

- explode the curve to extract the vertices, draw a new line through those before offsetting.



thanks for anyone who can help out.




Views: 2169

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Chuck,


Would you post the 3dm files and the ghx so I can have a look, as I don't seem to be able to replicate the problem. Just one of the known 'gappy' curves will do.

Hi Chuck,


are you absolutely certain the curve is planar? You cannot offset non-planar curves, it would result in exactly what you're seeing now.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


I solved the problem. The curve was in fact not planar, since it was generated by projecting to a brep.

I just didn't know what to look for. :) it was 6am and i was still working on it .. thanx


The curves i need to offset are (should be) all parallel when you look at them from the top, so i created a plane, projected them all to that plane and moved the endpoints back to their prototypese, which resulted in perfectly planar offsetable curves.


now i have another problem, it happens while moving the curves...i will post the 3dm and ghx later when i'm at my own computer.


somehow the indexes are scrambled up so the curves get moved to the wrong endpoint...


anyways, thanks for the replies!

Here we go, the extrusions should be aligned with the lines underneath.

My guess would be that they get scrambled when i input them into the join component, since they're all flattened. right?

Dunno how to fix it though, I appreciate any ideas.







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