
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm developing a class at Catholic University this fall on parametricism. I'm working on a reading list about parametric design in Grasshopper, Revit, Generative Components, Paracloud, etc. If you have suggestions of important essays on the short history or theory I would greatly appreciate hearing them.

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Carlos has a number of readings on parametricism, which would be good. These were part of the parametric CATIA class he did a few summers ago, and he should have them stashed away somewhere. I don't think you'll find much parametric literature specifically referencing GH, GC, Paracloud or other software, but theory stuff will be much easier to come across. Book wise, two that are easily approachable are Algorithmic Architecture by Kostas Terzidas and Tooling (Pamphlet Architecture) by Aranda/Lasch...both of those have examples that would be easily transfered into GH.

(warning: do not take seriously)

Unfortunately, you'll have to avoid evolutionary algorithms (, no matter how cool they can be.
Some newer references that might be good source material... I can't point to specific essays because I've only just taken a quick peek, I don't own any.

Kwinter - Far From Equilibrium (it's a compilation of works but I would expect new essays to address parametric design)

From Control to Design, Parametric/Algorithmic Architecture (a compilation of various authors/firms)

Bentley Systems - Architectural Geometry (more reference than theory...)
What are the objectives of the class?
The class is about half theory, half practical. Students will be using Revit and Grasshopper. The objective is to get students to start thinking parametrically instead of merely three dimensionally.
i would maybe point out the texts from Patrik Schumacher...

Actually the comments to this weird article are even better.


First ones that come in mind for the theory part:

- Mike Weinstock, The Architecture of Emergence

(an overview of cultural and natural systems, wonderful) 


- Michael Hansel, Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design

(a series of early articles and essays)


- Anne Save de Beaureceuil and Franklin Lee,

Articulated Ground Mediating Environment and Culture

(Students work from the AA where parametric design is linked with environmental and social strategies)


- Richard Hawkins, The Blind Watchaker

(Evolution re-created and "proved" through the computer to be linked with Galapagos)


- Janine M. Benyus, Biomimicry

(didn't read it yet but apparently really good, anyone?)


- Frei Otto: Finding Form

(a classic)

- Deleuze & Guattari: Rhizome

(another classic)


Hi Andrew, I'm teaching a similar course... focusing on Rhino+Grasshopper and digital/analog design & fabrication techniques. Here are the books I'm using.


Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory [Paperback, $41)

Nice assemblage of technology theory related to organicism, parametricism, etc.


From Control to Design: Parametric/Algorithmic Architecture [Paperback, $26]

Great project-based resource for students with graphically illustrated process and outcomes


OPTIONAL | Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals [Hardcover, $46]

Zimmerman lays out an exceptional framework for understanding design iteration


OPTIONAL | A New Culture of Learning [Softcover, $13]

Used as a basis for students to understand collective & open-source ideology as a contemporary condition


And of course, Patrik Schumacher's writings and lectures (, along with lots of Zaha, Gehry, SCI-Arc, RhinoFabLab, etc. Cheers!







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