
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

HI Guys,

I have created an algorithm for GIll Surface but just the end part which is for lofting curves together does not work I do appreciate if someone can take a quick look, must be an easy trick to get it done.

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Thank you Hyungsoo, Do you think studying Algorithms and programming can help in better scripting in Grasshopper?


Hi Hyungsoo, 

the model you helped me for Gill facade while ago, I also want to have gill on the other facade slightly different with the other one.

I used my algorithem and created something but it isnt nice and exactly as I m looking, I do appreciate if you take a look and see if there is way to make it .

thank you so much

See this attached as well (a very old def: now all the pasta is replaced by a single C#)

Note: an abstract concept on a facade and a real-life facade of that type ... are VERY different animals. Don't follow that path unless you can FULLY master the details (fasteners, adjustment system, panel joins, faceting policy, nuts, bolts, cats, dogs etc etc).  And of course is the cleaning "trivial" matter  (facades require that ... "occasionally").


Thank you Peter! interesting but hard to manipulate , I was looking to scale them following parabola curve, as it is shown in my model, if not easy then just I use it in other ways. 

Thank you Mike, I will script as yours hope get the result.

HI Mike, I followed your algorithm but sounds something is wrong ... didnt get the result, attach is what I am done







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