
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone!

i might have a simple question but i cannot find a way to solve it.

I have already searched the forum for solutions but i haven't quite find the answer.

As the title says, i have a surface with a population of points on it, and i would like to have those points arranged at different density based on attractor points (and later line attractors). i attach a simple hand-made screen of what i mean.

My ultimate aim,btw, is to have a double curved surface with a voronoi pattern on it, with different density of the cells (not the cell size, as i found in other posts), that's why i first need to create the voronoi base points based on attractors.


Views: 20251


Replies to This Discussion

There are several ways to approach this:

  1. Generate a dense pattern all over, then remove points that are far away from attractors.
  2. Generate a pattern, then move points towards attractors based on distance.
  3. Generate the pattern with varying densities, then perhaps smooth out the points if the boundaries are too strong.
  4. Generate a pattern on a 3D shape, then project it onto a 2D plane.
  5. ...

I'm sure there's lots of other ways. I attached examples of 1, 2 and 3.


Hello David, 

Thank you very much (as always) for your super fast reply! I got to use the 1st option of your, it best fits my needs.


Hi David,

I'm trying to generate a custom frit pattern. The RemoveFarAwayPoints script above is as close as I've been able to get so far. (I'm admittedly a little new to GH!)

The end goal is the Frit 1 pattern attached. I've dabbled with your examples here:

...but couldn't get all the way there. Where are the black circles coming from in that definition?

The grid needs to be much tighter than what I'm getting in the image attached.

Any suggestions on the best way to do this?! Would really appreciate the help. 


Should have mentioned that I have a rendering deadline on Monday! :)


Not exactly the same look as your reference image, anyway, You can adjust the density of frit

pattern by using "Graph Mapper".


Thank you so much!! This gets me a lot closer.

Follow up question if you don't mind.. is what's in the purple shaded region what's generating the square geometry of the mesh? I'm trying to figure out how to adjust the squares to be rectangles.

Like this?


Another option is using "Random Reduce".

You'll need "Mesh Edit" plug-in.


Those are both very helpful. Thanks so much! 

Hi Hyungsoo, I'm just wondering if it is possible to create a gradual populate of points along a vertical curve? it is similar to what you've shown but oriented on a vertical axis?

You mean like this?

It's close to what I'm trying to achieve but the gradual population of points are originating from the point origin which is on the curve, it looks something like this but I can't figure out how to control the gradual population of points as it goes up.






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