
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there, 

I'm relatively new to Rhino and very new to VisualArq. This may or may not be a Grasshopper related question - but here goes. 

Is it possible to extract the number of windows, openings etc and their sizes relative to each defined space. For example, I can use the space tool to tell me the floor area, perimeter length and room height of a room / zone. Is is also possible to identify which windows are associated with each space as well? 

In an ideal world, I'd like to produce a table listing the Space attributes and the number of windows and their attributes ie dimensions, height above the floor level (elevation attribute) in each defined space. 

Many thanks


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Hi Nick,

You can extract the number of windows and their parameters from an existing space using the VisualARQ Grasshopper Components.
See the definition attached. In the definition I identified those windows whose base points are located at a minum distance to the surface obtained by exploding the referenced Space object. 
But there is no way to do this automatically in VisualARQ or list this the information of Spaces and contained openings in Tables. We may consider adding some function to achieve that in future versions.
One possible approach (but not the ideal) would be to bake the selection of windows from the GH definition into a specific layer, so when you run the vaTable command you can select just those windows located at that specific layer.
Best regards,

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