
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am rellatively new to grasshopper and I have a task to do for the university. 

We try to simulate the form of a metal foam using Voronoi 3d algorithm. 

I tried to do so but I have come up with some problems. 

Using "SDIFF" was a good way to have a final form but that is not enough. I need to control the exact number of points inside the cylinder in order to compute the average porous of my material.

Is there any way to control the numbers inside my cylinder and play with them as I wish ?

Also, is It posible to execute "voronoi 3d" inside my cylinder only? 

I tried to generate cylindrical random points to be the generator of my voronoi but that was not enough. 

Thank you for your time in advance. 

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With this def, you can control the point count in cylinder and get positive or negative voronoi cell and smoothed mesh.


Hello again!!

First of all thank you very much! But i have a little problem. I cannot find some commands..! I thought that the problem is because of the version of grasshopper that I am using. I downloaded the latest version, but i still cannot find something relative. The missing commands are shown below.

Thank you in advance!


Try install Meshedit and Human plug-in. Best.


I would like to ask for some details on your foam simulation. I am trying to get the porous of the foam, so i have to compute the ratio (volume of the holes/total volume of the cylinder).

As you can see from the pictures attached, the negative volume and positive volume are not exactly "opposite" to each other (the negative volume is empty of holes in the interior whereas the positive is as i want it to be). 

I am trying to make a simulation using ansys and I want the geometry to be close to the real one. 

Thank you in advance!



Check this math.


Thank you!! But I just need exactly the opposite to be filled with material! 

I can't help you but it might help you.

See this and that

ok!! Thank you again!!

i have a last question.. i hope not to disturb you..a lot! If i want to have only the surface of the opposite of that you sent me there any chance??? thank you again!! and sorry for being sorry persistent..

Hmm ...

1. See this attached in addition to Kim's stuff.

2. IF you want to use ExoW (but I would STRONGLY recommend trying Cocoon or Intra lattice) for "thicken" the yielding line graph ... this is NOT the way.

Notify if you want a totally different approach using proximity that allows to address the ExoW "temperamental" nature.







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