Hi, how to recompose m (in this case six) lists of n-points: Taking the first item of list 0, followed by (with a regular interval of three), the fourth item of the last list [5], the seventh item of the one-but-last list [4]. After running out of the n- items avalaible it should continue with the second item of list 0 and so on for all items on all the lists.
Intput, six lists of 30 items each
[0] (n=30)
[1] (n=30)
[2] (n=30)
[3] (n=30)
[4] (n=30)
[5] (n=30)
Output, 18 lists of 10 items each
[0],i=0;[5],i=4; [4],i=7;...
[0],i=1;[5],i=5; [4],i=8;...
[5],i=1;[4],i=5; [3],i=0;...
I thought perhaps the weave component or the relative tree item component but didn't manage to figure out how to compose the mask. I couldn't find much on how to use these. I guess it should wrap the lists, but not the items.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.