
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

ok i don't know if my brain has gone into complete lockdown state or whats wrong with my, but i haven't got the faintest idea of how to create a geodesic dome in rhino and bring it into grasshopper or create it from scratch in grasshopper.

I need a sphere with points divided equally over its surface. Until now i've used a parametrization of the sphere but it just dawned on me that the points aren't equally distributed on the surface..

I'm leaning towards creating it in 3dsmax and exporting the vertices of it, and importing them in Grasshopper, but then i have no way of adjusting the number of points on the surface.

What to do? :)

Kind regards


Views: 58861

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Hrvoje,
It might be too old.
Could you try this maybe on GH 0.7 ?
It works on my side.
Hi Arthur,

This one loads fine into GH 0.8, probably works fine, too. I took a sphere and have tried to reduce the division points slider, but this made GH busy for ages (I have knocked Rhino down after five minutes). I will give it another try...

Hi Hrvoje,

This definition is actualy not for spheres but for surfaces with trimmed and curved edges. It's quite specific ;) I used it for a gridshell which had such conditions. Here is how it looked:

If someone would like to adapt the idea to different conditions such as a different edge it'd be great ;)

Hi Arthur,

I thought it is something like that - sorry for misusing the definition. Now I have made a proper surface and it seems like it works. Thanks a lot for sharing it.



Hi Arthur,

do you have the script for this ?


this is similar to what i like to do, to create a flexible structure...



Hi Agnes,

Not sure which one you are referring to but I try to share everything here:

Hope you are well,


Thanks Arthur!
I'll see if it can be used for the sphere I needed,
get back to you if there's hiccups, cheerios.
Hi Angnes,
It won't work on a sphere as it needs a curved edge but also a surface which doesn't fold onto itself...
You might want to look into this new post:

Hi Arthur,


do you have the script for this ?




Just wanted to add one built example by massimiliano fuksas here...

Thanks Roland.

Not sure if this can be considered as geodesic?

Isn't geodesic defined by the shortest path on surface rule?



OOoops! I did not know that.

Well, looks like I learnt something today...still, its an interesting building

Sorry & G'night!






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