
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to move several geometries that I've created using values from a series component in order to have in each building a number of boxes that corresponds to the number of floors.

However when I connect the z values to move the first box, it moves in the Z axis, but it puts the floors in weird positions, overlapping some of them (I have verified the series and it looks ok).

Can anyone help me with this? The idea is to start the second floor, when the first finishes, and so on..

Thanks for any help! 

Views: 888


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You need to graft the G input of the move so Grasshopper knows which list of z displacements to match with each geometry. 

OMG! I can't believe it was so easy!!! :) :)

It worked perfectly, thanks a lot (this is the happiness of beginner after getting the answer to (probably) the easiest question ever!))

Thanks again!

Hi Again,

I'm now trying to do the same thing but instead of moving a box in a Z axis, I'm trying to move several planar surfaces in different buildings (simulating as they were windows).

However, in this situation graft doesn't work as it worked with floors... 

Do you know how to fix this?

Thanks again.







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