
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Yes, indeed I am still a Noob. I am trying to install Cocoon on my Windows 7 machine. Drag and drop does not work for some reason. I just get a crossed out "O". Can anyone tell me where I should put the file so Grasshopper can see it?

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I cannot guess the crossed out "O"..

Check the mesh category.. It may have Cocoon as a sub-category..

Drag first to Rhino in the taskbar, then over to the Grasshopper window when Rhino comes to the front. Or use the Grasshopper file menu to open Special Folders > Libraries and put it in there and restart Grasshopper by using GrasshopperUnloadPlugin in Rhino then start Grasshopper again.


The first step does not work for some reason but the second one helped me find where Grasshopper stores their plugins. Thanks for that. Now I can learn all about Cocoon :)

just wondering where can I download Cocoon file? 


I'm having a similar problem getting Cocoon to run properly. I get this error message after the program is installed.

1. Solution exception:Could not load file or assembly 'Plankton, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I downloaded the latest version of Plankton, but does this mean that it is looking for an older version.. I'm wondering if anybody else has had this problem, and if so what has solved it. I'm also wondering if there will be issues with using an older version of plankton. Any help would be appreciated..

Did you check that plankton is unblocked? right click plankton > properties and check unblock. 

can you show your screen layout,so i can get know your question clearly.Firstly i can imaged the problem that is maybe your files are locked,so u can right click them to check.if locked ,you should unlock them one by one.






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