
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

well .... i am not an engineer but i am interested in designing for laser cut ..... my question is:

1- what is the Best software at all to make the designs for these projects ( images attached)?.

2- what is the EASIEST program to learn to make these designs? 

+ i heard about grasshopper but i think it is hard to learn especially i didn't learn engineering at all (i might be wrong of course) .... also I've watched  videos for 3D max .... SketchUp ...

 could anyone help me how i can start ? 

thanks in advance 

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1. GH + Rhino (for THAT type of stuff shown)

2. GH + Rhino (ditto).

How to start:

1. Some would advise the trad way: start doing geometry and things would roll. I claim the exact opposite: fully understand the way that GH manages collections (Lists and DataTrees) and then do whatever. 99% of issues that users have are due to poor knowledge with regard  how to "sample" (and "manage") things in collections.

2. Read 1.

3. Next: At least 1Z definitions are available in this Noble Forum ... so get some and do something.


There's great plugins for waffle construction. Bowerbird lets you in detail control it, as I recall.

Rhino is one of the easiest CAD programs to learn and though the Grasshopper output is simple enough, there's an initial learning curve of somewhat odd procedures via right click commands like assigning Rhino geometry to a node and later baking back to Rhino and indeed often a need to flatten or graft or do arcane surgery on data trees, but for this particular work, not much of that and just trial and error are often effective for modifying inputs.

To get help, do learn enough to create a basic Grasshopper script and post editor inline pictures of screenshots of both output and the script. When you do this, right click the component like Geometry or Brep to internalize the data, so you can just post the Grasshopper file. If you don't get an answer quickly, I find it useful to post updates in personal notebook style to garner a bit more attention.

A great trick to search this forum for answers is to use Google images:

well ... thanks alot  peter fotiadis and  Nik Willmore for your replies ... ok then ... if i want to learn how to use grasshopper and rhino .... would you recommend me a course or tutorials for beginners to start with ? 

Well ... parametric stuff is exactly like attempting a forward in windsurfing: not nuclear science provided that the previous steps became second nature (rig>control>beach-start>water-start>tack/jibe>straps/harness> ... > a WOW forward).

Thus ... after downloading the software and getting the classic help/tutorials material available in this Forum (and any imaginable definition attached in the numerous threads) ... you can try getting the gist of managing collections using this attached (training material for my people BEFORE switching to coding).

If you can fully master this ... you are ready for the next step: more points, the he. I hear you: where's the waffle? Well ... the waffle is in some later step, that is.


:D :D yea that's right i forgot to ask where the waffle is :D :D .... well thank's alot :D 

As someone who uses a laser regularly, I would suggest you get some basic line work going and test the entire workflow through to the laser so you can get a sense of tollerances and fit in order to inform your decisions as you learn more advanced techniques.

i am working on that :D






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