
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

how to create a rectangle centered around a point and reorient it with a new normal around its centroid

May I ask how to:

1. create a rectangle centered around a point and

2. reorient it with a new normal around its centroid

I explored a while and can't find the components to do the things...

Hope you can kindly advise!

Thank you!

Views: 1880


Replies to This Discussion

Hi there

Hope this helps!


thanks, Aditya!

However, applying your method to another group of surfaces, I found that some surfaces rotated while been reoriented to a new normal. (see the image below and the GH file)

May I ask if there is anything I missed which will control the rotation?



... Ok, I test a new method which seems to work. Anyway, hope you can still advise how to correct the rotation issue in my reply above.


Try this!


Thanks, Aditya!

But I think the center of the surface is not correctly identified in your file above, and the results show the surfaces are not aligned:


sorry my bad just reparametrize the surface on evaluate component.this fixes it.


thanks, Aditya!

May I ask what's the function of reparameterize?

reparametrize just remaps the u &v domains of the surface between (0 to 1). that means if I give u as 0.5 and v as 0.5 then it would be the midpoint of the surface. You can ever reparametrize a curve. In this case, it remaps the curve length between 0 to 1. so if you add 0.5 to (t) in evaluate curve component you get the midpoint. 






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