
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am having trouble with a simple script trying to rotate 2 triangular surfaces in relation to each other along a shared edge without the dimensions of the surfaces changing.  I am trying to do this operation with triangular surfaces that are of a specific length and ratio, the values of which are generated with a slider.

Hopefully the attached pictures will illustrate the problem I am having.

Note I am using data trees to create these connected surfaces via overlapping 2 pt vectors.

Will post definition if needed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Yes, post your definition.

It's very hard to give/get help without any geometry to work on.

Please, attach you incorrect definition AND the geometry of how you want it end (done manually).

Cya :D

Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for the response.  Attached please find the definition and Rhino geometry.

Thank you for your time,



Hi again Garret,

I've seen your definition, but I have no idea of what's going on!

I can't understand the logic.

You build many vectors and points to achieve a single rotation. Why?

Why you didn't actually rotate your geometries with the Rotate 3D component?

Where is the problem in using the component directly?

You need to find the rotation axis before?

Ok, then, with wich rules?

Some explanations are needed to continue... I really can'y understand HOW you want to rotate your geometry. How, and with what logic.


Thanks again for the response, and I apologize that my logic is not clear.

The problem is that when I rotate the surface1, it changes the edge lengths and angles of the surface2 that it is attached to.  Perhaps you are right in that I have made the definition more complex than it needs to be, using vector points etc. 

The reason I constructed the definition that way is because I wanted to be able to change not only the angles of the joined edge via a number slider, but also the size of the surfaces in proportion to one another (maintaining the golden triangle ratio).  Attached is the Rhino geometry that hopefully illustrates what I am trying to do.

Sorry for the confusion.



Hi again Garret,

I had rush days, sorry for let you hanging...

This can be solved in a fun way with looping components, like anemone....

But instead i solved it with grasshopper Transformations, as we (I) often forgot them and their utility....

Rotate, move, mirror the triangle to the 2nd position, use the combined Transformation Datas to transform again 2nd triangle to get the 3rd... and so on.

As i built up the base golden triangle starting from 3 vertex of a penthagon, I've also found funny behavior while changing the used vertex.... see gif attached.

I hope this is somehow what you wanted to do...

Cya :D



No worries Ricardo, thanks for the reply!

I found your definition helpful, however I am trying to do something a little different.  I think I found somebody else in the forum with the same problem, although I dont think it was ever resolved. @

"I am trying to fold multiple surfaces all connected in a row (so they share at most two edges). The problem that I am having is getting them all to rotate relative to their new positions."

So if we were apply this to the group of surfaces you provided in your definition, is it possible to have an angle of rotation slider for every shared side, rotating each surface relative to its new rotated position?

Thank again,







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