
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to run a glare analysis but when I jun the simulation I get the following error:

1. Solution exception:Failed to read the results!
0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

fatal - cannot find function file ""

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0003 hours

fatal - cannot find function file ""

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

Thank you,


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The file should be located at c:\radiance\lib.

If it isn't your radiance installation probably was not correct.

It can be that you installed at the default locations and HB is having trouble finding it?

If so i recommend to reinstall radiance at C as the home directory.


Hello Abraham,

Thank you for the fast reply. I do have c:\radiance\lib but the file is not there, will try to reinstall Radiance to see if that fixes the problem.

Thank you once more,



I reinstalled Radiance but the file is still not there, I've checked in other 2 computers and installed it in a brand new one and still nothing. Is there any other way I can get that file?

Thank you,


Which version of Radiance are you using. Try this link for installer:

and make sure you're changing the installation address to "c:\radinace"

Hi Blanca,

Hoping i'm not doing something wrong attaching the file here ... :-)

Here it is.



Thank you both.

Mostapha, unfortunately I am not allowed to install anything in my computer that does not come from an official site, so I am using the latest official Radiance version (2.0) will be happy to install the newest one if there is any official site that provides it.

With Abraham's attachment the simulation runs, but it still gives me the following error:

1. Solution exception:Failed to read the results!
0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

2185 rays, 100.00% after 0.0000 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

1991 rays, 100.00% after 0.0000 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

2089 rays, 100.00% after 0.0000 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

2228 rays, 100.00% after 0.0000 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

2042 rays, 100.00% after 0.0000 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0003 hours

2186 rays, 100.00% after 0.0003 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0000 hours

2174051 rays, 100.00% after 0.0014 hours

0 rays, 0.00% after 0.0003 hours

2412050 rays, 100.00% after 0.0019 hours

Any idea what could be going wrong?

Thank you!

Hi Blanca,

You mean you're using Radiance Desktop? That is very outdated and I'm surprised that the analysis is even running as some of the parameters have been removed between now and then.

The link is as official as it can get. It is the official Radiance's github repository under NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab) github account. I would go ahead and talk to the IT at your office to update Radiance installation on all the machines including yours.






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