
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I have a set of closed curves where I need all planes to be located at the same relative vertices on each curve. I've managed to relocate most planes via the attached method. However, I'm unable to find a way to actually attach these new plane coordinates to each curve. Is there a way to 'reassign' planes on a curve? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Hi Andrew, I think you want to use the Seam component, to move the start(/end) point to the wanted corner:


And the Dark Side option (since Andrew ... well ... walks the walk [although the wrong one, he he] ).

Notice the Method used for making all polylines clockwise (see report at the bottom info panel line) and the other one with regard circular shifting the poly pts indices.

best, Lord of Darkness.


BTW: This is not used since in works only with planar parcels ... but in real-life ... blah, blah.

Okay I believe I have found out how to solve that first issue. But something still perplexes me: why does the plane of centerpoint for each plot only orient toward one direction regardless of the plane adjustments made in this script (center plane in the image)? I imagine it's orienting toward one World plane but is there a way to have this (and all other) planes match the ones we just properly oriented?


Get the V2.

BTW: there's some issues with your parcels (thus the move to center ... blah, blah). I could fix this automatically (if this contains that ... do something) but right now I'm out of cigars and therefor I can't think a thing (or two).

And given the opportunity ... the biggest puzzle in urban design: given n discos how to calculate the min route to visit them all (or not) taking into account the number of free girls AND the face control on each one?


Added a few lines more: an autoZoom option that makes(?) some sense.


Hi Peter, thanks for this, it's really useful. That those blue planes in the image are now fixed. I think I'm probably missing something but I have one last question (I think). Actually your 'originsList' points are exactly where I want the planes to be, so you've accomplished that without the need for my 'refPt' (which was causing all sorts of headaches anyways). But as of now the plane location for each curve (red plane in image) is in random corners without the ref point. My question is: is it possible to make the 'originsList' point of each plot the plane location, so that we don't even need the reference point? I just want all of such planes to be in the bottom-left corner of the plot which the originsList already accomplishes. Thanks again!

OK, let's clarify things:

1. In this V2B planes (and their origins) are either where the parcel node is closest to the "datum" point or are translated at the poly center. I could add a "shift" index option, mind (go up/down the poly pts indices and translate plane/origin accordingly): easy since all the polylines are checked with regard their orientation [otherwise > chaos].

2. autoZoom option and focus on some Polyline/Brep are separated.

3. 5 divisions by zero are spotted: added 2 more (for the brave).

4. DO NOT use the GH component for extracting planes from polylines; besides why to do that? the C# does it for you.

Other than that, we can very easily perform any query imaginable: for instance: find polylines with more than 666 nodes and then only these that have area greater than 666 acres and then only these having an angle greater than .666 at the 66th node and then only these that look like a cucumber etc etc.


Peter, thanks for your help with this. I just must be missing something simple. For the record, I do not wish to use the 'refPT' anymore because that is bringing up other problems and is not needed.

Your 'originsList' points is where I want my polyline planes to be. Your 'planesList' is showing this to be true. However, when I connect the 'polylinesOutList' to a plane component, or otherwise try to use it to work on the polylines, this is not true and the planes are in the same location as the original input. Is there a way to simply make your 'polylinesOutList' planes correspond to the'originslist' and 'planeslist' plane locations? I've tried to illustrate the problems I'm having in the image and the save file. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!


Hmm ... appears that some ERS(*) is required here (you are mixing bananas with sardines > blame Karma).

(*) Emergency Rescue Solution (kinda like Control-Alt-Defeat in Windows)

more soon, Lord of Darkness (King of SardineLand)

What did I said ? (you tell me, he he): NEVER connect the GH plane component to these !$%!@$ polylines (explanations inside).

Other than that ... well .... you can read C# don't you? So what's this indexing issue (polys to planes) about?. Added a small C# to prove the obvious.

BTW: with regard the old poly indexing (node [vertices] order that is) read inside ... unless you absolutely need the old indexing ... if so > just use the old poly List (elementary my dear Watson eh?)


Hi, thank you both, that's exactly what I was looking for. And will look forward to digging into that script at some point.






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