
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,


I am working on a large GH model for an Urban Design problem. As you may know, practically, it is impossible to work with GH models larger than a certain size. I need something like a "block". Although, clusters seem to be what I want; I can't do anything with them. I always face with the error messages like: "Input parameter ... failed to collect data". I know that I should open a cluster in another window; but the problem is that cluster's input and outputs seemingly don't work. Can you help me with these questions:


Should I change anything in the model to enable a cluster?

What exactly should I do with the cluster inputs and outputs; and where should I do that? In the main model window or in the cluster's window?




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Can anybody tell me what is the way of using clusters? What should I do to make cluster's inputs/outputs working?

Hi Pirouz


From what i understand at present though clusters can be opened in a new file they it is not possile to edit them then close the cluster again and it changing in the original file or save this file and reference is as a Cluster but as they have only just been reintroduced in the last few months and are still working progress I am guessing this is in the pipeline.


Below is an open cluster and closed cluster showing how how to use the cluster Inputs and outputs  You can have can connect As many of the Arrows to different Inputs and outputs as you like/ Each arrow represents a connector on the Cluster Component. Its also possible to to leave input wires/outputs wires pluged into the components you want to cluster in place of the cluster arrows.


If you have a small section of script that you know is unbreakable as used in different files like my example you can save the cluster as a GH User Object with Icon Description Etc to the Tool Bar using Create user Object... From the File Menu.

Hope this Helps



P.s Everythings orange due to no data input.

Thank you so much Matt,

The hint you gave me about creation of custom components is really great. Yet, I don't know what should I do with the cluster inputs to 'enable' them. I can see that even in the image you've attached, inputs don't work! I could save the cluster file, I could create a custom component with a name and a category... but the component doesn't work; due to its failure in collecting data from input connectors. Such a weird problem!? 



Hi Pirouz


The Cluster inputs will not take in data untill they are part of a closed cluster component like the one on the right, thus they are all Orange, If you where to make this Cluster as shown the L input will read something like 2in1 which you can change to L, As a closed cluster component it still works the same as standard GH component and will be orange and give you the warning msg. For this closed cluster component on the right just plug in series component into the L  turn grey and output a series of numbers minus the first and the last in the list.


Update.. If you double click on one of the cluster input Arrows you can set its Name/Letter and also put a description of what type of input is require Etc



Hi Matt,


I have made a cluster and a "user object" for evaluating surfaces. Still it can't find its input data; and I don't get the problem! May I ask you to check my cluster?


Here are the main file, cluster file and a reference rhino file:


Hi Pirouz


My Bad... You need to plug the the inputs from the components you want from the black cluster arrows ... to do this you need to drag a wire from the input backwards across the canverse to the arrow to connect it otherwise though the arrows will give inputs the component will fail as not connected to the code inside.


I have fixed yours and re attached it both opened to show what i have done and closed and working using your inputs given..




Here's a very quick revised version that will run alot faster as it no longer is trying to calculate the area of every sub-surface or project the centroid points back on the the sub-surfaces before evaluting the surfaces.

Thank you so much Matt!






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